posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Police hate letting people have a good time, unless they feel like they've allowed it.
I remember the red mile, in one injured, mardi gras-like ladies, very peaceful, almost like hippies, if i had to compare.
Then the next one, the rules were extending umpteenthfold. No more letting adults be adults. No walking on the street or you were arrested, no more
yelling, screaming....they took an already peaceful thing and tried to make it peaceful. Didn't make sense to me.
To me and others i knew, the cops tore the life out of that celebration. Nothing happened, but it was insulting. Not directly, but the implication
that I NEED YOU is insulting.
It seems that the cops care more about control than peace.
They want to flex more than they work.
People recognize this, and, as no one wants to be controlled, they say "oh yeah??" in one way or another.
The cops want you to be afraid so bad, and to me, it's insulting.
But of course, violence is bad and all that unless you've taken a six week course and passed a bull# test on your ethics.
Cops should realize they're human and there's a little bit of cop in everyobody. The intimidation needs to stop, but so does the pretentious
This is just how i feel, i'm not pretending to be an encyclopedia. I can only go off what i've seen
edit: good for kobe, btw. guy's just hated so bad.
[edit on 15-6-2009 by heyo]