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the rising of scizophrenia

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:25 PM
docters have recently been prescribing more and more people with scizophrenia with out having a good definition of what it is they say thing like he hears voices or he sees things or hes paranoid he has mood changes, i think that scizophrenia is more like a connection to something of a more spiritual nature. perhaps what they might be hereing is the otherside or some spirits that are linguring around the earth. and docters make it seem so bad by saying the voices arent really their and your brain is making them up, when really if the scizophrenics knew what was really happening to them they wouldnt be so afraid or scared of what was happening to them. docters are actually making things worse for scizophrenics by saying the voices are made up and what they are thinking isnt normal, docters are afraid to admit to something supernatural. i know personally because this is what the docters are trying to do to me, they are trying to make me seem crazy, and if i try to tell them of a more spiritual nature they just say thats why we think your scizophrenic, and i cant imagine about what its like if someone could be more connected to the spirit then me.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:47 PM
One word, hallucinogens. The use of which im sure has doubled since the 60's just based on the rise in amount of people and younger people in the population. just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Thats not it, dude. But by all means, post links to your sources where they claim that "docters have recently been prescribing more and more people with scizophrenia". I'm sure that they are, but I'd like to see where you get your information from.
I wouldn't say that they're hearing "spirits". If you pay attention to the alien abduction phenomenon, you'll notice that abductees typically mention aliens talking to them in their head. Well, that would easily answer our question as to what pschizophrenia is.
That would mean that it's an evil alien with nefarious plans. Folks hear stuff in their head, then they get "diagnosed" with "schizophrenia", get labeled a "paranoid schizophrenic", and then die mysteriously of a "blood clot".
Happening all over the country. It's that folks are intentionally not pulling the pieces together.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:55 PM
either way its the docters that are afraid to admit of something more paranormal thats going on, so they say the voices are made up and came from no where, that makes things worse, as i said before the docters are trying to say im scizophrenic and it pisses me off because i havent even said im hearing voices and they are trying to say im scizophrenic because i have been anti social lately and its the begining signs of scizophrenia, when i know its something more paranormal i just dont tell them these things for fear that it might make the docters think there right with there diagnosis. also just wondering what should i tell the docters i have besides scizophrenia?

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 09:36 PM
Beeing scizophrenic actually means you're healthy, it's just everyone around you that has gone sick and you're suddenly aware of it because your mind was cleansed.

But seeing the world through a "clear" mind at all times is painful and frustrating. You'll find yourself bored with other peoples thoughts because they all seem to stem from sickness. Like listening to drunk people, is how normal people sound to you. Hence the isolation.

Ofcourse you get hurt by people telling you that something is wrong with you, but let me quote Jesus himself :"forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."

What you want to be careful of though if you don't want to really lose your mind is to find people who apreciate you for beeing you. The lonelyness from not beeing able to connect with the people you used to connect with can eat you up alive and then you'll truly be sick.

You're not sick! I'll guess that you have problems keeping a job etc and you're only labeled sick by a society that currently deems you no value if you cannot produce according to the demands.

Now that's sick!

[edit on 15-6-2009 by JustAThought]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 09:55 PM
Doctors, a few decades ago, labeled my grandmother as having some sort of disorder...she would wander out into the night in her nightgown up and down the street or occasionally be found tapping the walls with her hairbrush remarking about the aliens in the walls. She also had a severe problem with fax machines...she felt they somehow were recording messages for "others" to keep track of. They gave her shock treatment and every available drug of the time. I was very afraid of these episodes as a child. In the last year or so I feel I understand where she was coming from as I stand outside on my picnic table in my nightgown at night with binoculars looking at things I'm amazed to believe I never noticed they still give shock treatment?? *LOL*

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Schizophrenia is Is, not maybe real because the mirror says that I should walk alone and I know the sign means the buzzing will come soon and I am alone but when raed books thye ear and ysa the same as the mirror my friend who speaks of things to me about the things when I hear the sound of the band playing it could be contagious so I avoid you.

Of course Schizophrenia like all mental illnesses is on the rise, we are bombarded daily by ever increasing amounts of toxins.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:07 PM
Second that, it's in large part due to the increased toxins. Schizophrenia rates have increased at least 20 fold since the industrial revolution.

I have to take a prescribed nutrients to keep me sane.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Heavy Metals... I have done whole threads, one of them called toxic overload... on the subject

Only thing that really seems to clear me of them is the dry Sauna... which I am finally off to NOW lol

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I jog for 20 minutes then soak in epsom salts for 20 minutes daily. Sweat quite a bit that way, though I should try going to a local sauna once a week.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by

Do you really understand the procedure that goes with diagnosing someone with a mental illness you make it sound like something so simple which it is not.

I've worked with many schizophrenics and many people who have been truly diagnosed with skitzo-effective disorder and for me to even begin to think that this is anything "spiritual" would make me think that whatever "spiritual being" if inflicting this on a person has a very sadistic and cruel nature.

People like to sensationalize and glamorize mental illness lately and think it is something mysterious and deep which it is anything but that.

How could the actions of rubbing feces, urine and blood all over yourself be spiritual?
How could killing others, or killing yourself be spiritual?
How could so many of the horrible out right disgusting at times things these people have to face and deal with being anything spiritual along with the pain and heart ache their family has to endure?
How can lost lives of those afflicted who do not comply to take meds/help and end up being in institutions for over 20 years at times because they can not care for themselves and have or could hurt others be spiritual?

I've worked with many people with this illness and many of these people who do decide to take their medications end up living happy productive lives and thank us for the chance to be on these medications.

I'm sorry but I've just seen too much of the pain and hurt these and many other illnesses causes people, to think it is anything more than a disease.

Maybe my work with it and looking it in it's cold hard truth everyday makes me be able to see past all the propaganda out there about these things, but I really don't know where people come up with some of this stuff.

Sure there are some doctors who over medicate or misdiagnosed a patient but a lot of times it falls onto the family or the patient themselves for not being honest about their drug and alcohol consumption which can often mimic the signs of every mental illness out there so when a person or family tries to hide this fact for whatever reason they do (but many of them do) it leads to them not being diagnosed properly.

This is why in the most severe cases we keep patients for a minimum of five days with drug tests and them being kept track of 24/7 with every little mood change noted so we can see where it is all coming from if someone comes in and for the first 3 days they are very emotional and have tested positive for a drug and then after 3 days they are more stable we can attribute that to the drug addiction and we can treat that, then we have to figure out what came first the mental illness or the drug abuse which is a very complicated and long drawn out process sadly there are no quick fixes and the medication can give back a semblance of life and peace while we go through the process of cognitive and group therapy then individual + addressing their addictions if they have them with support groups and proper coping skills.
The mind is a complex thing and when there's been years of progression from the mental illness and all the learning/emotional behaviors that were created in that time period and then if you add on drug abuse you have to attribute the mental and emotionally immaturity that has been stunted so you have to re wire everything, it's literally like working with a new born or a person who's suffered brain damage, but it's not all doom and gloom there are many people who recover and are able to manage their mental illness even people with severe schizophrenia have a good chance if they work at it and have the proper care and have advocates something we need more of we need free advocates out there for those with no family that care about them that will be on their side make sure they get proper care/respect during treatment and then follow up with treatment as the government fails to give this and the advocates out there right now usually have their own agenda.

Anyway, I can say without a doubt in my mind that these things are not "spiritual" in their nature what so ever, and if it is spiritual it would honestly be the epitome of "demons" or a "possession" of sorts, which it isn't because there have been many cases of ill people going on medications and becoming well witch gives 100% proof that this is a chemical/behavioral issue in the brain, if this were something "spiritual" it would not be effected by medication OR therapy and it typically always is so yeah, not "spiritual".

The entire thing with people being over medicated and so on is just a generalization of those in this field who have their own agenda(honestly if you are ever seeking mental health assistance do not go to government facilities try to find a non profit, for many reasons) but when you look at it in an individual basis there are plenty of us out there who have nothing but the well being for the patient in their hearts and minds and also try to work with our patients in many other ways besides medications but a lot of people do not want to commit their time to those other things as they are not as quick as the medications.
There are also people who are so sick they do need meds and get their lives back, and then you have people who do not want the meds and those are typically the ones you'll see doing not so great things on the street if you ever look into the stories of their lives you'll often find they have had lives, families and kids, and then had a relapse in their mental illness and the number one reason for a relapse is not taking their medications,.
Also, people need to remember that medication is a personal choice we do not force anyone to take meds unless it's during an inpatient stay and that person gets violent.
Once they are out of our hands and when a doctor hands a person a prescription in his office that person has the choice to take it or not so no one is forcing them, sometimes I really wish we could honestly.

I can understand why people want to make things "deeper" or more than what they truly are, but these are the lives of other human beings that you are talking about and this bothers me because these people can often be influenced so you have people telling them they are special and than this supports or creates more paranoia or delusions for them and it makes it much harder to reach these patients and help them.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:57 PM
I think most people that are schizophrenic are just lazy in the mind. They're like the indigo kids. They are a certain way, so they find something that closely resembles how they feel and then call themselves that.

The people that i've met that are schizo don't seem sick at all. They're just, well, dicks, and they've tweeked their personality in such a way as to have an excuse to carry on how they've been carrying on; selfishly and filled with the fear of facing who they really are; some are afraid of being normal, some, afraid of being different.

If you think i think there's no such thing as schizophrenia, don't. I know there is. But i know the percentage of the population that claims they are isn't in any way close to being nearly congruent with the real number.

.....quit smokin' pot so much.
....learn the "happy" muscle (the selfinduced firing of the correct neurons in the brain that bring on happiness.....practice with your brain and remember it then use it guys!!)

I was there once....meh.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:05 PM
I saw a lot of people with Schizophrenia when i worked as a EMT and there seams to be three groups'

Diabetics with very high blood sugar levels. (real Schizophrenia??????)

Long time heavy illegal drug users. these people may not have used drugs in 5 or more years before the Schizophrenia kicks in but they have a history of heavy drug use years before.

Non diabetics with no drug history.

I believe that as the treatment for diabetes and increasing numbers of diabetics plus the increase in heavy drug use in the 1970-90 has lead to more people with Schizophrenia
plus people with Schizophrenia under treatment surviving longer thus the increasing numbers.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:33 PM
umm... any sources? Where did you find out that Schizophrenia was on the rise? I was of the belief it has been dropping the past years. Correct me if Im wrong.

Schizophrenia is not a spiritual/mental ability. It is a chemical imbalance of the brain. If you really think you have schizophrenia please see a doctor. I dont believe any of these posters are qualified to make a medical diagnosis.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:09 PM
Seeing through the eyes of a schizophrenic (simulation).

So, what have we learned? Having schizophrenia sucks.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by pop_science
reply to post by

I've worked with many schizophrenics and many people who have been truly diagnosed with skitzo-effective disorder and for me to even begin to think that this is anything "spiritual" would make me think that whatever "spiritual being" if inflicting this on a person has a very sadistic and cruel nature.

People like to sensationalize and glamorize mental illness lately and think it is something mysterious and deep which it is anything but that.

All consciousness is spiritual. Schizophrenia is simply a lower state of consciousness or in other words a greater degree of separation from Reality. I think you have good intentions but do not understand what SZ is. While the cause is a biochemical disorder of the brain, the cure is to reprogram the brain. The strangest thing is most SZs do not seem to be the least bit interested in a cure. Perhaps the are frightened of it , just as ordinary people are frightened of real spiritual practices such as Radical Meditation.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by JustAThought
Beeing scizophrenic actually means you're healthy, it's just everyone around you that has gone sick and you're suddenly aware of it because your mind was cleansed.

But seeing the world through a "clear" mind at all times is painful and frustrating. You'll find yourself bored with other peoples thoughts because they all seem to stem from sickness. Like listening to drunk people, is how normal people sound to you. Hence the isolation.

Ofcourse you get hurt by people telling you that something is wrong with you, but let me quote Jesus himself :"forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."

What you want to be careful of though if you don't want to really lose your mind is to find people who apreciate you for beeing you. The lonelyness from not beeing able to connect with the people you used to connect with can eat you up alive and then you'll truly be sick.

You're not sick! I'll guess that you have problems keeping a job etc and you're only labeled sick by a society that currently deems you no value if you cannot produce according to the demands.

Now that's sick!

[edit on 15-6-2009 by JustAThought]

This person obviously does not suffer from schizophrenia, and if he does... my god. Take your god damn meds.

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