posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 09:13 PM
Are employers deliberately oppressing and disenfranchising us?
Wow, how's that for an attention graber? First things first, I'll state some things about myself and that this is just an opinion of mine that I'd
appreciate some discussion on and to find if anyone has had experiences that are relevant.
Firstly, I'm quite liberal in my views, although I am a capitalist at heart, I do believe in the validity of the welfare system and personal freedom
for people to do whatever they like so long as it doesn't curtail others ~ for consenting adults. With regards to any legal points, I live and work
in the UK.
I'm currently involved in a disciplinary procedure where I work and it seems like this is serving no other purpose than to enforce the idea in the
employees that they are to serve at the whim of the employers, that individualism (in or out of work) will not be tolerated. The company I work for
is very large and I just got to wondering if the board of directors sat down one day and thought they needed to address this.
There have been numerous instances of people I know getting screwed over by their employers (legally), being pressured to do extra hours, work
overseas, curtail planned events etc.
I believe there is a very real thought process where employers are conspiring against their employees to make them not only financially dependant, but
to bend them to their will. Now this may seem like "D'uh, of course" ~ I'm looking for personal anecdotes and experience here from employers and
employees (most of us) and if anyone has actually stumbled across literature or resources that confirm this.