posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 08:22 PM
Am listening to old RADIO broadcasts of a show called "GunSmoke"
Gotta say, it is heads and miles above ANYTHING I ever saw in the TV version!!!
I am laughing my butt off!!!!!
Point of interest....the character of "Dillon" was played by Robert Conrad. Of course, HE was not considered to be cast, for the TV version.....
Another piece of trivia: Robert Conrad also provided one of the voices for the best, way before its time iconic "adult" cartoon...."Rocky and
I recommend, very heartily, a visit to 'HULU"....just, if for no other reason, to see the entire "Rocky and Bullwinkle" series.
As I've said.....these, only lasting for ONE season, in early 1960s TV....still, twenty episodes, and WAY ahead of their time!!!!! Poor quality
cartoons, but poignant and spot on topical comment!!!!