Story how's it going welcome to ATS.
Hello everyone.
Warning this might turn into a huge post but i promise you it will be interesting so bear with me.
A little about me first.
My name is Lee.
I have three children.
I am twenty six i served in the british army from the age of sixteen to the age of twenty three.
I am very open and genuine.
I consider myself an abductee.
First experiance.
At a young age not certain exactly how old. I awoke to find my room including all it's content's had turned white there was an almost deafening high
pitched tone.
It was not normal white but pure bleached white. This scared me and i seemed to snap out of it.
I fell asleep then awoke again. And the high pitched tone was present and also my room was white again including all the content's !
This time however there were two being's present it was hard to tell how tall they were as i was laying down in bed unable to move.
One was standing and one was sitting in my swivel chair.
There was no contact just a definate feeling that these being's were making themselve's known to me.
This same white light and deafening high pitched tone have happend again twice in my life.
Both time's when i was in mortal danger and should have been seriously injured if not dead. Both time's when i was in a vehicle accident. Both
time's i was left with no injury apart from a scar on the rear top left of my head. These two incident's were around fourteen year's apart.
Later life.
I remember waking up a lot and seeing strange light's in my room. Ball's of light red and gold.
I remember hearing strange sound's like clicking and cracking and chirping also sound's like when you put a pan on the stove/cooker on the heat for
a while then add cold water.
Also strange dark areas blacker than black light seemed to not penetrate this blackness.
I have also seen areas of light with the same quality's as the dark one's.
I also hear tone's that vary in pitch
I have experianced being pulled thru my bedroom wall not very nice.
Anyway i saw and heard and experianced quite a few odd thing's too many to post about.
I had a genuine fear of going to bed and i was never religious and am not religious now but i would say from about the age of nine to the age of 14 i
would pray hard to jesus that i would like a peacefull night's sleep.
It was a desperate attempt the act of a desperate person. The help never came let's say that much.
I do however beleive in God the creator of the universe/universes but my idea of god might be different from your's.
My career path.
I joined the army at age sixteen and thing's seemed to quiet down. I had a STRONG urge to join the army.
At age twenty three i again had a STRONG urge to leave the army.
During my time in the army i never really realised how interesting my career had been.
I worked and trained with the crowned prince of Jordon for a week. I spent time a Porton Down the hype around that place is just hype im certain.
I went to some very special place's in Iraq.
And i went all around the world.
I do remember being more mentally focused when i was in the Army. And i do remember having the odd experiance but it's nothing to write about
Ok moving on.
Major experiance
My next major experiance that was a fully awake experiance took place when i was twenty five.
It started with me noticing the shadow on a cup on the floor fell in the wrong direction it actually went toward's the light source.
It was actually amusing and i seemed to take it in my stride for some reason.
The next thing i noticed was the static in the air my hair's stood on end as did my girlfriend's.
She was also very calm considering what was going on and she went to bed ?
I remained downstair's and had a strange feeling that i was trying to be amused and that i should take my jumper off.
I subconsiously rolled it into a pillow and laid it on the sofa.
I got up and went to my computer i felt a strong static around my wrist's and was compelled to go into my room.
I actually felt really content and safe considering what was going on.
It was now that i noticed what seemed to be shoaling fish in my tank i did not have any shoaling fish in my tank at the time. (However now over a year
later i do)
I was now sitting on my sofa again and i noticed what i can only describe as hundred's of glowing light's around me that were the size of a garden
They looked like spark's of electricity. I also noticed white shadow's from the corner of my eye.
Then two very prominent metalic spider's very small in size went across my room floor and perched themselves on the couch opposite me.
The seemed to be waiting for me to choose what i wanted to happen.
I placed my left hand on the floor.
The both bolted over and thing's got patchy.
The next thing i remember is the jumper i rolled up and placed down on the sofa was being put to good use as i was laying down using it as a
My left arm was extended and rigid.
I saw what looked like a heat mirage on my left forearm about the size of a playing card.
It can only be descibed by me as liquid fire.
I snapped out of whatever was going on and was immediately filled with a sense of dread.
My left forearm was burning but not like a burn from fire. I can only describe it as being like that muscle rub you place on your skin to sooth your
muscle's only ten time's worse.
There was a strange pattern on my skin aswell.
You can see it in link below in the crude drawing i made.
I rinsed it under the tap but the burning did not subside.
I went upstair's gathered my children and girlfriend and went to the only safe place i knew my mother's.
One of my daughter's had a fever her bed was located directly above the couch downstair's.
All the time i had my back to the wall's whilst i was getting my kid's to the car in a fight or flight mode.
The car seemed to struggle to start but did.
It was around midnight.
When i got to my mother's we talked for what seemed like 30 minutes but turned out to be two hours ?
And i could still see the white shadow's out the corner of my eye's.
When i got into bed at my mother's my shoulder's burned with the strange burning sensation again.
I awoke in the morning to find drop's of blood on the pillow.
I had a phobia of getting into the bathtub for some time afterward's.
And i also refrain from sitting on that couch if possible.
I would class the above experiance as being extra dimensional and including extra dimensional beings or intelligence.
On the patch of skin that was effected there was a definate dip like flesh had been removed my mother felt it and was worried. It seemed to strangeley
fill itself tho.
Some time later i noticed two puncture mark's on my inner left forearm they resemble what i can only describe as a snake bite.
However as there were two metalic spider and two what appear to be puncture mark's i must speculate that this is where these spider's exited my
Missing Time.
Apart from the above period of missing time that i mentioned at my mother's there is one other time that both myself and my girlfreind
Around 6 months later from my major experiance.
Myself and my girlfriend were whatching a kung fu movie called HERO.
We noticed that the film was only on for what seemed like 30 minute's from the start to the credit's rolling.
This puzzled us and we both said that it was a pretty short film to be on the movie channel.
A few day's later it was on again on a repeat channel and we found there was much MORE content than we had seen previously.
We were baffled and agreed we had experianced missing time.
Other relavent experiance's.
I have the most bizzare dream's plenty of UFO dream's and some scarily realistic abduction dream's.
Now there are two dream's that stand out as im not shure if they were dream's or thing's my brain choose not to let me remember.
First one i remember walking into my kitchen and looking out into the back garden i saw a alien being in my back garden crapped my pant's and ran for
the front door.
I only made it as far as the dinner room and wham i lost consciousness. And woke up in bed. The bed was soaked with sweat.
Now this next one is the one i find hard to determine.
Was it a dream or not ?
I remember sitting downstair's whatching telly the the light bulb went really, really bright and popped.
Next thing i know i am on the floor with the computer chair infront of me using it at a sheild and all i see is this greyish mottled effect what i can
only describe as a skinny frog's leg coming toward's me.
All goes black.
Next thing i know im in bed waking up drenched in sweat.
It was hugeley disturbing and the next morning when i went downstair's i tried the light switch and the bulb had blown.
I was very, very disturbed for a few day's at least.
End summary
In general thru my life i have seen many U.F.O's.
I have noticed street light's go on and off around me including one's that i look at in the far off distance.
I have noticed a strange tone in my ear's sometime's it is painfull.
I have been in many situation's were i should and could have died.
At first i was terrified of my experiances however now i am starting to learn how to deal with them.
I want to answer any question's you have and hope to find some answer's myself.
My main question is are these intervention's by these being's for my own good or not ?
I know i have been saved by them many time's so im certain they are not all that bad.
It has now become apparent that my girlfreind is being abducted in my opinion so i wonder are my children also being abducted ?
I constantly hear ticking aswell like a clock ticking with no source.
Anyway fella that's my story you can share yours if you want.
Take care.
[edit on 15-6-2009 by h3akalee]