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Two Days Before 9/11, Military Exercise Simulated Suicide Hijack Targeting New York

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posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:51 PM

More proof that the "failure of imagination" excuse is a complete lie.

Here is the Link to the Norad documents.

The US military conducted a training exercise in the five days before the September 11 attacks that included simulated aircraft hijackings by terrorists, according to a 9/11 Commission document recently found in the US National Archives. In one of the scenarios, implemented on September 9, terrorists hijacked a London to New York flight, planning to blow it up with explosives over New York.

The undated document, entitled "NORAD EXERCISES Hijack Summary," was part of a series of 9/11 Commission records moved to the National Archives at the start of the year. It was found there and posted to the History Commons site at Scribd by History Commons contributor paxvector in the files of the commission's Team 8, which focused on the failed emergency response on the day of the attacks. The summary appears to have been drafted by one of the commission's staffers, possibly Miles Kara, based on documents submitted by NORAD.

In the September 9 scenario, the fictitious terrorists' goal seems to have been to kill New Yorkers with the rain of debris following the plane's explosion. However, in the exercise, the military intercepted the plane and forced it away from the city. When the terrorists realized they were not near New York, they blew the plane up "over land near the divert location," leaving no survivors. The military unit most involved in this scenario was NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS), which also played a key role in the air defense response to the 9/11 attacks, two days later.

Hijacking Exercise on Day of 9/11

Although it is not listed in the document, there was also a simulated plane hijacking scheduled to take place in the Northeast US on the day of 9/11, and its timing overlapped with the real-world events. According to Vanity Fair, "The day's exercise was designed to run a range of scenarios, including a 'traditional' simulated hijack in which politically motivated perpetrators commandeer an aircraft, land on a Cuba-like island, and seek asylum."

When NEADS was informed of the first real-world hijacking, members of its staff initially assumed this was part of the exercise. For example, Master Sergeant Maureen Dooley, the leader of the ID section, told the other members of her team: "We have a hijack going on. Get your checklists. The exercise is on." Major Kevin Nasypany, the mission crew commander, actually said out loud, "The hijack's not supposed to be for another hour." Like the numerous hijacking scenarios described in the "NORAD EXERCISES" document, there was no mention of this simulated hijacking scheduled for the morning of September 11 in the 9/11 Commission Report.

This would mean that bin laden was completely aware of our exercises and chose 9/11 in order to take advantage of the chaos.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by Leo Strauss]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:48 PM
Of *course* NORAD is going to consider aircraft hijackings in their scenarios. Am I the only one in the world who remembers the blizzards of REAL hijackings pulled off by Muslim terrorists throughout the decades I.E. Mogadishu, Entebbe, Beiruit, etc, and even a cruise liner once?

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Of *course* NORAD is going to consider aircraft hijackings in their scenarios. Am I the only one in the world who remembers the blizzards of REAL hijackings pulled off by Muslim terrorists throughout the decades I.E. Mogadishu, Entebbe, Beiruit, etc, and even a cruise liner once?

Yes, but how many of those hijacking were used as bargaining chips? How many of those planes brought down buildings... infact how many were actually used to crash into buildings?

9/11 is a day that holds many records for terrorism.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by RenDMC
Yes, but how many of those hijacking were used as bargaining chips? How many of those planes brought down buildings... infact how many were actually used to crash into buildings?

9/11 is a day that holds many records for terrorism.

You just answered your own question. Becuase they've all been used previously as political bargaining chips it was largely assumed that any further hijackings would be used as bargainign chips. al Qaida came along and entered in a new set of rules to the game that noone expected.

You'll notice now becuase of Al Qaida there haven't been any more regular passenger aircraft hijackings. That's becuase a) security has risen to incredible levels, and b) hijackers know the passengers won't just sit there and act like sheep during a hijacking anymore.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:20 PM

You just answered your own question. Becuase they've all been used previously as political bargaining chips it was largely assumed that any further hijackings would be used as bargainign chips. al Qaida came along and entered in a new set of rules to the game that noone expected.

Noone expected even tho its well documented that they did? amazing.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 02:16 PM
Yeah, however I'm not so sure anymore of who really piloted these planes. But no more sheep indeed.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

GOlD, I notice you like to double talk or whatever you defenders of the government like to call it. You said in another thread that the only drills going on that day were hijacked jets going out over the oceans. Now you say "of course" they were drilling hijacked jets over the US.

Its almost unbelievable the effort you make to down play anything that doesn't match with the overall gist of the governments story, which is that The government did all they could to prevent the attacks and we didn't catch then before hand b/c the alphabet agencies did not exchange info. The military was helpless b/c another alphabet agency didn't notify them quick enough. There just wasn't anything WE could do and no one is responsible specifically.

The fact is that there has long been suspicion of other war games that were going on that we still do not know about to this day. Also it is a fact that the NRO was running a drill of a errant jet leaving Dulles crashing into its facility in Vienna. There were multiple war games taking place that entire week. This is just a new war game we are just now finding out about.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by RenDMC
Yes, but how many of those hijacking were used as bargaining chips? How many of those planes brought down buildings... infact how many were actually used to crash into buildings?

9/11 is a day that holds many records for terrorism.

You just answered your own question. Becuase they've all been used previously as political bargaining chips it was largely assumed that any further hijackings would be used as bargainign chips. al Qaida came along and entered in a new set of rules to the game that noone expected.

You'll notice now becuase of Al Qaida there haven't been any more regular passenger aircraft hijackings. That's becuase a) security has risen to incredible levels, and b) hijackers know the passengers won't just sit there and act like sheep during a hijacking anymore.

A) To the poster before you, the reason why it's so "crazy" that they were conducting training exercises that included highjacked planes hitting builds is the fact that in the days after the attacks, the administration claimed they couldn't have had any idea. They were "caught off guard". "Noone could have imagined them taking over a plane and using it as a weapon" were some of the quotes. So thats why it's always good to hear that they were actually already training for the exact same missions.

B) Al Qaeda, was the name of the database that was created to track all of the US sponsored agents working to combat the Russians in the afghan war. Just as Osama bin laden (Tim Osman) was trained and funded to fight the Russians, by the CIA. And he did a good job, he was in constant contact with the CIA, and most of his family prior to 911, and since, invest heavily in American Companies. More specifically, they invest in Bush family companies.

C) Al Qaeda did not invent highjack a plane and fly it into a building. As previously stated, they were conducting exercises for that exact scenario. Additionally, its an absolute impossibility that amateur pilots who had never even seen the inside of cockpit of a 757, could ever expertly fly it into 3 out of 4 targets, all while having Norad Stand down. Furthermore, depending on who you believe, the Pentagon pilot, who was terrible at flying Cesnas, executed between 180-270 degree turn, all so he could attack the ONLY section of the entire building reinforced to take such a hit. He was nice enough to take the long route around, so as to avoid maiming or killing any top pentagon brass. And who says terrorists aren't nice?

D) Your quick to give them such esteemed credit for the most amazing attack ever carried out on US soil (by an entity not a country), yet you think they were stupid enough to not evaluate the outcomes. Not only did NOT ONE "al qaeda" benefit from that day, but the flip side is true. The entire bush administration made out like bandits from that day. Silverstein even happened to purchase the complex 2 months ahead of time, which was a known BLACK HOLE. WTC Complex was a LOSING investment, and required BILLIONS in repairs to remove asbestos. So it made no economical sense for him to buy the complex, since it would be cheaper to build 2 entire new buildings rather than pay for asbestos removal.

E) The reason why attacks haven't happened, is because the government hasn't decided to orchestrate them, bottom line. Are you actually being serious you think its because "people wont act like sheep?" do you know how many people can be killed with a knives by 5 guys, before anyone even got out of their seat? Give me a break, they could stab every able bodied man on the plane in less than a minute. So that's bull#.

To conclude, on top of all the other ASTRONOMICAL COINCIDENCES with probabilities in the billions of trillions to ONE. Some how, while these assholes were on the plane, busy hijacking them and flying them like veteran professionals - there clones were busy running around WTC 1,2,7 planting an estimated 100 tonnes of nano thermite, so much that it would require pallets. And like all inside jobs, would require the removal of security.

How anyone honestly believes a shred of the official story to this day boggles my mind completely. Terrorists were created when we ILLEGALLY INVADED THEIR COUNTRY, imagine people, if we got invaded, we would all be the terrorists, we would all be the insurgents. We would be the ones killing our invaders with improvised bombs and whatever guns we could muster. Get a grip people.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by king9072

Excellent post, couldn't agree more.

Was thinking about this sept 9th exercise today. The more i thought about it the more it sounds very similar to what happened with flight 93.

The blue force is supposed to divert hijacked aircraft away from its target where after it explodes and crashes and there are no survivors.

Likewise, f93 was diverted away from its intended target. The passengers report that the hijackers have a bomb. The plane crashes(bomb,passengers,hijackers,military??) leaving no survivors.

Also, I have always found it interesting that the passengers report that the hijackers all dawned red bandanas, one of them(the bandana) even survived the crash and its photo was entered into evidence for the Moussaui trial.

Could the reason they all wore these be to represent the fact they were on the red team?

Could they have been on participating in the war games that day representing the red team?

Could this be how they were able to get a bomb(or lookalike) bomb on board the aircraft?

Obviously, total speculation but when the facts of what was going on that week are still 8 years later slowly trickling out all you can do is speculate.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

The undated document, entitled "NORAD EXERCISES

NORAD Maintains Northern Vigilance
Sept. 9, 2001

CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN AFS, Colo. – The North American Aerospace Defense Command shall deploy fighter aircraft as necessary to Forward Operating Locations (FOLS) in Alaska and Northern Canada to monitor a Russian air force exercise in the Russian arctic and North Pacific ocean.

“NORAD is the eyes and ears of North America and it is our mission to ensure that our air sovereignty is maintained,” said Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of NORAD. “Although it is highly unlikely that Russian aircraft would purposely violate Canadian or American airspace, our mission of vigilance must be sustained.”

NORAD-allocated forces will remain in place until the end of the Russian exercise.

NORAD conducted operation Northern Denial from December 1 to 14, 2000 in response to a similar, but smaller scale, Russian deployment of long-range bombers at northern Russian air bases. NORAD-allocated forces were deployed to three FOLS, two in Alaska and one in Canada. More than 350 American and Canadian military men and women were in involved in the deployment.

Chronology of Significant Military Maneuvers

by Dr. Nikolai Sokov, CNS Senior Research Associate, August 2004

Maneuvers to simulate defense against a large-scale airspace attack began on 10 September 2001. According to Air Force chief Anatoliy Kornukov, they were intended to cover the whole Arctic, as well as northern parts of the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, including the vicinity of Norway, Iceland, the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. The main task was reportedly to penetrate the air defense of NATO and North America (NORAD). As part of the exercise, long-range bombers were moved to auxiliary bases in Anadyr, Tiksi, and Vorkuta. A new element of these maneuvers was, according to newspaper reports, training for the use of long-range ALCMs outside the reach of NORAD (since Russia has had long-range nuclear ALCMs since the 1980s, apparently these reports meant conventional ALCMs, which began to appear in the Russian Armed Forces only in the late 1990s). The only real launches planned in these regions involved short-range missiles launched from Tu-22M3 over the Kamchatka Peninsula in a simulated attack against an aircraft carrier group.
The plan was abruptly changed immediately after news of terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC on 11 September 2001 reached Moscow. To avoid possible complications and misperceptions, the Air Force terminated all "practical activities" planned for the ongoing maneuvers following a request from the United States. This included a termination of flights not only toward U.S. territory, but also "around the corner" toward Norway and Iceland. Launches of short-range ALCMs from five Tu-22M3 bombers (three belonging to the Naval Air Command and two from the Air Force) over Kamchatka against seaborne targets were still conducted, but only within Russian territorial waters. Also, both heavy and medium bombers practiced missile launches at an internal Russian test range near the Caspian sea.
[1] Yuriy Golotyuk, "Bombardirovshchiki letyat na vraga," Vremya novostey, 11 September 2001.
[2] Yuriy Golotyuk, "Yaderniy konflikt otstavit," Vremya novostey, 12 September 2001.
[3] "Pod Saratovom nachalis ucheniya dalney aviatsii," RIA Novosti, 13 September 2001.
[4] Ivan Safronov, "Rossiyskaya dalnyaya aviatsiya uletela nedaleko," Kommersant-Daily, 15 September 2001.
[5] "Na Kamchatke zavershilis komandno-shtabnyye ucheniya Tikhookeanskogo Flota," Kommersant-Daily, 19 September 2001.
Looks like NORAD can’t keep their lies straight!
What are you talking about? I have been waiting for two days for a response to my post regarding how Bin Laden knew about the supposed war games in NYC to plan 911.

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