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how would you describe the new world order?

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:29 PM
ok alls i here from you people is its the nwo the problem for everything so, ill ask a question what is the nwo and what is it responsible because as far as im aware all of you guys have a different view on what the nwo is and what it does.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:20 AM

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:04 PM
your syntax is.... nevermind.

let me go ahead and tell you that very few people here agree on who is responsible for the NWO.

on one side you've got the international bankers

on the other side you've got the political figures and CEO's

then you've got the fence-riders (like me) who think they're all in bed together.

then you've got the ones who think that they're all actually reptilians or some other form of alien. that's delving into something that only appears as the NWO on the surface.

so the answer is.... yes.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by
how would you describe the new world order?
Shorter than I expected.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by
how would you describe the new world order?

The aftermath of WWIII.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:40 PM
well i guess what i should have asked is what are they doing what steps are they taking, why are they doing what they are doing i dont they think its actually for control i think it could be for a better future, you could say stuff like its the bilderbugs, but i dont think they say stuff like well on todays agenda lets take over the world type of thing, i think they would probably say something like on todays agenda we are gonna try and lower gas prices so we can increase our trade. perhaps they are doing one thing and dont look at all of the consequences of there actions. and thus are doing the nwo on accident.perhaps they came up with the idea like well if you could track our sales better we could fix the economy. so then one guys like well we could keep track of the sales better if we put a tracker in every business owner so we can keep better track of how much they are selling, and what not

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by

NWO is catnip for rabid theorists and pretty logical for the rest of us.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by miragezero
reply to post by

NWO is catnip for rabid theorists and pretty logical for the rest of us.

ok thats cool, how logical is it when you cant even describe whos involved or what they do, you give vague answers like illuminati or masons. you dont even say how there plans work. because there obviously not all at a conference that happens not so often saying things like the plan today is to take over the world, so big shot how the f*^% do they control the world? the only way the control the world is by contoling you and people like you. they found something that appeals to you and are using it against you, some common denominaters include money and luxuries
an easier life brought to you by technology. so on and so forth

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:18 AM
New World Order

A term that describes the Orweillian (1984) state of the world, based on the desires of a group of several powerful banking families that decide world events such as wars, famine, economic collaspe; they also decide on election outcomes. This powerful elite group desires total control, beit money, people, world decisions, etc. They have been conditioning the masses over the last 50 years especially thanks to the Tavistock Institute to accept the NWO through dumbing our citizens down. They also have a desire to reduce the world's population by 80%, known as population control, in order for less tyranny and chaos. They will slowly erase countries' soverenties and also erase the individualism of each human. They want to obtain ulimate control through each citizen by implementing a cashless society and implanting a RFID (radio frequency Identification) chip, in which they have the authority to 'turn-on or turn-off'. They will keep track all citizens through constant surveillance and maintain all control of your movements. A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

wouldnt the lowering of the population be beneficial to us all,there is obviously different ways of lowering the population, they arent just gonna start killing babies, but the frequency chips thing has got to go the only reason they would do that is to fix the economy, and maybe they are gonna try to forcibly try and stop you from breaking their law, so what do we do we do the moral and right thing to show that they dont need to force us to do the right thing because we can do the right thing with out being forced, i think the only problem is with getting rid of all these immoral laws that we have in the united states.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:14 PM
I've been under the impression that the New World Order would just be blurring/removing the borders between all of the countries (finally) and using one worldwide currency system. That doesn't sound all bad, but there are some people who say that if you removed all the borders and gave everyone the same money, very bad things would happen, which I doubt, other than a riot or two brought about by that kind of person in the first place. I realized it definitely existed after hearing about it from Alex Collier, and seeing this video:

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