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Types of UFOs

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posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 01:56 AM
I was looking at this old painting (1350 AD) of the crucifixion of Christ and wondering why there are spaceships in it.
(Internos pointed out that those objects in that painting are merely the sun and the moon, but what about these other religious paintings:

What could the artists of these paintings possibly be trying to tell us? Is the "God" depicted in the Bible just an advanced extraterrestrial species? Were these UFOs human time-travelers who were verifying the authenticity of Christianity? Are these UFOs God's messengers (angels)? Were these UFOs a malevolent force that was trying to distract and confuse people who were present at these religious events?

Regardless, I did a search for "time travelers" and "UFOs" to look for information and opinions about this theory. Lo and behold, I found some guy's blog in which he postulated that UFOs are probably not time travelers because the types of UFOs sighted depend on the era they were sighted in. For example, right now I think the most popular type of UFO sighted now is the triangle-shaped UFO, but in the 1940s it was saucer-shaped UFOs. I don't know if that information is correct, I'm just giving an example of what he means. My question is if there is a website out there that has information pertaining to the different types of UFOs sighted and the era in which they were sighted the most. Thank you.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by YSM85]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by YSM85

HI, YSM85: i'll quote myself from another thread started May 31st: A Medieval UFO?

Originally posted by internos
I know that it may sound strange, but they are the Sun (left) and the Moon (right):
to represent them in some anthropomorphic (and surrounded by something) way was very ordinary especially during the middle age, basically the Sun and the Moon are represented as some human-like witnesses to the cucifixion:

Now, this would have been interesting if it was some unique case AND if it was corroborated by some report: but on the contrary, not only the thory of the presence of two UFOs comes from nowhere, but there are a lot of examples depicting the same scene in almost exactly the same way: in bizantine paintings, but not only:

James Hall, author of the "Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols In Art" writes:
“ The sun and moon, one on each side of the cross, are a regular feature of Medieval crucifixions. They survived into the early Renaissance but are seldom seen after the 15th century. Their origin is very ancient. It was the custom to represent the sun and moon in images of the pagan sun gods of Persia and Greece, a practice that was carried over into Roman times on coins depicting the emperors.”
(...) The sun is[sometimes represented as simply a man’s bust with a radiant halo, the moon as a woman’s with the crescent of Diana. Later they are reduced to two plain disks, the moon having a crescent within the
circle, may be borne by angels. The sun appears on Christ's right, the moon on his left.”

Even in the very same Decany monastery there are more anthropomorphic representations of the Sun and the Moon, but they have been always omitted to be mentioned by the books/websites supporting

the UFOs during the crucifixion theory

...or they could also have mentioned this example

but aliens flying on wagons drawn by horses and by oxen are not that impressive

[ Edit to remove large quote. ]
I hope this helps: thanks for sharing

[edit on 13/6/2009 by internos]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:49 AM
Very awesome. Thank you. I think the moon/sun theory is a great explanation for that painting. It angers me that so many UFO sites show this painting, but neglect to put it into context by telling the reader that there are many paintings like it that are less ambiguous. However, there are some even stranger religious painting that depict what looks to be UFOs. Check these out:

What do you think of those?

Also, do you know of any website that lists the different types of UFOs and the era they were the most popular?

[edit on 13-6-2009 by YSM85]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:50 AM
Here is an older link that has a few paintings with what appear to be unidentified fly objects, it's a subject that has always intrigued me.

UFOs in Works of Art

[edit on 13/6/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by internos

heh, that third picture from top with the "star fellow" looks like it has a nato logo on it ,

to me the "ufo" phenomenon always held some kind of notion of timetravel.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by YSM85
Very awesome. Thank you. I think the moon/sun theory is a great explanation for that painting. It angers me that so many UFO sites show this painting, but neglect to put it into context by telling the reader that there are many less ambiguous paintings like it. However, there are some even stranger religious painting that depict what looks to be UFOs. Check these out:
What do you think of those?

The origin of the first painting (depicting Moses receiving the Tablets of Laws) is uncertain, and its author is anonymous: there are doubts about its genuinity, because it is being said that this painting can be found in the "castle of noble family Dotremond, in Belgium," but in Belgium there isn't any "Dotremond castles".
About this name is also interesting to notice that "Dotremond" sounds exactly like "d'autre monde" which means "from another world" in french language

A good example of something similar is this one:

basically, it depicts God's anger after Moses found out that his people were adoring the golden calf: it is important tyo keep in mind that especially the paintings based on religious subject matters are symbolic, basically almost never the scenes being depicted are a REAL representation of the events.
So assuming that the painting is real, in my opinion it's a represdentation of some expression of God, but nothing conclusive can be said due to lack of further informations.

second painting is "Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John", and it's attributed to Sebastiano Mainardi or Jacopo del Sellaio (some websites even attribute it to Domenico Ghirlandaio: i think because Mainardi has been trained in Ghirlandaio's school:

This is the painting that more than any other has sparked discussions among ufologists, who see in the upper-right scene behind the Madonna the proof of a "close encounter" with an un-identified flying object. In the above mentioned scene we see a character keeping a hand to his forehead and looking towards an apparition in the sky. With him there is a dog, which also looks towards the strange object.
In an article by Daniele Bedini on Notiziario UFO n. 7 (Jul-Aug 1996) it says: «we clearly see the presence of an airborne object leaden in color and inclined to port, sporting a "dome" or "turret", apparently identifiable as an oval-shaped moving flying device».

Here's a detail:

But this is not the only peculiarity of the painting: for example, to the upper left we see the Nativity Star with three other small stars, or perhaps flames.A very similar detail is present in the Madonna of the Book (1480) by Sandro Botticelli

Courtesy: Diego Cuoghi -

Now regarding the object that was interpreted as an UFO, we have to say that the announcement to the shephard, in the so called "Nativities" of the '400 and '500 is a very common feature, depicting what was told in St. Luke's Gospel:

«...and there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, an angel of the Lord come upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear ye not: for
behold!, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you was born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord...»

A good example is the announcement to the shephard as it appears in the Nativity by Vincenzo Foppa (Detroit Institute of Arts):

but there are very similar representatuions in the Nativities by Pinturicchio, Foppa, Di Paolo, Aspertini, Di Credi, Bronzino, Romano, etcetera:
an angel announcing the nativity on a cloud:
this interpretation is confirmed by the shepard who, without any doubts, is looking at it.

The third painting is the Baptism of Christ, by Aert De Gelder: in order to interprete it correctly, of course we need to read the description from the four vangels, exactly the scene of Heavens opening and the Spirit of God
descending as a dove over Jesus.:

In this enhancement, you can clearly see the dove

Many UFO based websites conveniently publish a low res version in order to deceive the reader with an image that apparently shows a flying saucer (and in the meantime "hiding" the dove).

Originally posted by YSM85
Also, do you know of any website that lists the different types of UFOs and the era they were

the most popular?

Honesty, i don't have an idea about what would have been the era in which ufos were popular in the past: one of the best websites illustrating stuff interpreted as UFOs is of course Sprezzatura by Diego Cuoghi, while some excellent examples of UFO scenes from the past are the one that you can see in this post by me and in this one by karl 12.

Edit to add enlargement.

[edit on 13/6/2009 by internos]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by internos

Thank you for your response. Food for thought: If these objects in these paintings were spacecrafts (or even meteors, planets, stars, etc.), then it wouldn't be surprising if they were depicted as Gods, angels, demons, clouds, objects with wings, birds, et cetera, because the artists of this time period sorely lacked the scientific and technological knowledge necessary to properly identify such objects. Further, they’d be looking at these objects through the lens of their own belief system and their respective time period. The problem with these kinds of paintings is that you don’t know if the artists were simply attempting to realize God/religion through art, or if they were interpreting and portraying foreign objects in the sky (or space) using their religion and/or their relatively limited knowledge.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by YSM85]

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 05:30 AM
Interesting stuff about the painting, the sun and moon are always chasing each other it seems.

I have never seen the classic UFO types, but I seen a very weird box shaped UFO as a kid.

for more info follow the link in my signature.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by YSM85
reply to post by internos

Thank you for your response. Food for thought: If these objects in these paintings were spacecrafts (or even meteors, planets, stars, etc.), then it wouldn't be surprising if they were depicted as Gods, angels, demons, clouds, objects with wings, birds, et cetera, because the artists of this time period sorely lacked the scientific and technological knowledge necessary to properly identify such objects. Further, they’d be looking at these objects through the lens of their own belief system and their respective time period. The problem with these kinds of paintings is that you don’t know if these artists were simply attempting to realize God/religion through art, or if they were interpreting and portraying foreign objects in the sky (or space) using their religion and/or their relatively limited knowledge.

In full agreement with your last post, please let me say that I like very much your way to reason about this subject matter

NOw look at this nice coincidence: there's a post by me dated November 21, 2007: Icon_xof asked to me:

Originally posted by Icon_xof
Does anyone know of any "ancient" abduction cases? I know there are like cave paintings and hieroglyphs of UFOs, but are there any documented abductions?

and my reply was:

IMHO, probably many years ago, when facing this kind of phenomena, the people tought it was something related with GODS.
Only after the progresses in technology, with the first balloons, the people realized that the flight was possible: before that, IMHO, all the sightings have been seen by the religious/spiritual point of view.
But i can be wrong.
Maybe you'll find interesting this:

as you can see, i too believe that many times our ancestors had some "reverse" misinterpretation: not just about strictly UFOs, but about Luminous Transient Phenomenon in the Atmosphere, like Atmospheric electricity, Ball lightning, Earth lights, Earthquake lights, Ignes fatui, Ignes lambentes, Saint Elmo's fires, Sprites, Jets etcetera: yes, i think that many of these phenomena were somewhat (if not systematically) attributed to Gods

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by internos

Nice Icons!
Hi Internos/

Now let's take these beautiful Icons and have a LISTEN to another point of view, as to what they really mean.
For if they were painted for the purpose they rightfully serve,then it is for this purpose they should be viewed at!

Firstly, what is an Icon?
Is it a picture?
It's purpose is ....A story seen with the eyes but not an exact ///An image is a likeness of the original with a certain difference, for it is not an exact reproduction of the original.(in the literal sense)

For the invisible things of God since the creation of the world are made visible through images.
Thus, the Son is the living, substantial, unchangeable Image of the invisible God, bearing in Himself the whole Father, being in all things equal to Him, differing only in being begotten by the Father, who is the Begetter; the Son is begotten.
The Father does not proceed from the Son, but the Son from the Father. It is through the Son, though not after Him, that He is what He is, the Father who generates.
In God, too, there are representations and images of His future acts,-that is to say, His counsel from all eternity, which is ever unchangeable.
In Defense of Icons,c730

My words.....In my opinion(and not that of Scripture)The depictions of the circles look like similarities to that of which people call ''ORBS'' are not Orbs described as being 'Spirits'?
And we know that we can't see ORBS with our eyes, but only through a picture taken?
An Icon depicts what the Eyes cannot see.....
An Icon is also called.....Heaven on depicts a faintly picture of Gods heavenly reign.

Although there is more information on Icons(as I have only given one of many examples) people should take the time to seek the truth for themselves, and ask ''FOR what purpose do these ''U.F.O's'' serve for mankind.''
'The War has just begun'

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by zerbot565

Hi zerbot/

Time travel....interesting point you make!

Fallen Angels are travelers!

And they are far more intelligent and cunning/deceitful, then you and I!
Aliens are better accepted as 'time travellers' RATHER then be depicted as what they truly are, ''DEMONS''!

Reply to YSM85/

The problem with these kinds of paintings is that you don’t know if the artists were simply attempting to realize God/religion through art, or if they were interpreting and portraying foreign objects in the sky (or space) using their religion and/or their relatively limited knowledge.

[edit on 13-6-2009 by YSM85]

Hi YSM85/

Good needs to look at the years of which these icons was painted.
The 'iconographer' is not just a painter or an artist,he has to have some knowledge as to what he is painting...
Byzantine art is best seen with the knowledge and thirst for God.
The Icons depict that same thought.

Agia Sophia.....The Church of the Eastern Orthodox...''Holy Wisdom' (Agia Sophia)a few more comments......The name Sophia means Knowledge in Greek, and this leads to Wisdom!
Her daughters names, ''Faith, Hope, and Love ''
(Charity), they are ''Pistis, Elpis, and Agape'' in Greek.
Sophia means Knowledge, and Knowledge leads to Wisdom...
The Icon you have(pictured with c. 2008)is the Agia Sophia (pronounced as G as in girl)
The art work depicts Glory To God as He destoyed 'death'(sin)Together all the Angels/Seraphims/cherabims etc....there are 9 holy orders of Angelic hosts(mentioned in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament-Gospel)
So Icons ''Windows of Heaven''(as some call them)always depict heavenly hosts....Christian Iconography~

For they(Angels) were created before man....Angels mean ''Messengers''!
The angels were created by God to glorify Him and contemplate Him,

"when the stars were created, all my angels were glorifying me and praising me" (Job 38:7).
It is the Logos[Word] of God, Who created them .......
"for by Him were all things created,
that are in heavens,
and that are in earth,
visible and invisible,
whether they be thrones,
or dominions,
or principalities or powers,
all things were created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16).

Heavenly Host~


posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by helen670

sophia means wisdom.other than that i afree 100% with your post

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