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posted on May, 2 2004 @ 09:22 PM

Thought it was interesting, but I like to hear what evolutionis have to say. I am not sure if I believe that but if the site is right it does seem to put a couple of pieces of c4 underneath the good old evolution foundation.

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 10:17 PM
Why all the fuss about the evolution/creation problem? Genesis clearly states that God, in this case Ialtaboath, took the dust of the earth and formed man. Some form of life was naturally evolving on the earth (the dust) and God came, modified it and made mankind. I dont see what is so hard about this.

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by radiant
Why all the fuss about the evolution/creation problem? Genesis clearly states that God, in this case Ialtaboath, took the dust of the earth and formed man. Some form of life was naturally evolving on the earth (the dust) and God came, modified it and made mankind. I dont see what is so hard about this.


[Edited on 12-5-2004 by asala]

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 08:53 PM

you are an ignorant little boy arn't you? but its ok, i was once ignorant too, we all have room for improvement.

i think people fuss too much over the origin of life, i support a healthy evidence debate, but things like "you **** **** ***, why can't you believe in god!!! *** F **** you*****... you little ****" are a bit too much. don't worry guys, in time, science will provide us with an answer

If this represents adult thinking and "improvement" I will most gladly remain a child. Kindly keep your filthy mouth off my posts.

Jesus said: "Unless you become
like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."

As for an evidence debate why not let the bible speak for itself and stand on its own? What other "evidence" could possibly be provided or needed?

I stand by my first post the dust of the earth is material that was already there. There is no reason to go mucking things up with dramatic interpretations and superstitious mumbo jumbo unless your aim is to confuse people.

There is one point we agree on Science will indeed prove through genetics that we are a blend of "God " and man. Made in his image.

When this day comes....whatever rock you may be under when you hear the wonderful news....2009....I bind you to remember me.

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by radiant]

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by radiant
Why all the fuss about the evolution/creation problem? Genesis clearly states that God, in this case Ialtaboath, took the dust of the earth and formed man. Some form of life was naturally evolving on the earth (the dust) and God came, modified it and made mankind. I dont see what is so hard about this.

You gotta remember that not all of us believe in God. Its hard for us to understand why you guys believe all this "God created the ehavens and the earth" crap...when SCIENCE proves it all wrong.

posted on May, 4 2004 @ 10:16 PM
The only thing science proves wrong is the ridiculous literalistic interpretation of the bible. The ancients didnt speak in our scientific language but that doesnt mean they were wrong. They were trying to explain what they knew to be true as best they could. The ancients were trying to explain our souls journey through life. Consider every Character in the bible to be yourself and read it with a non literal approach and you have a hell of a great psychotherapy manual. (of sorts)

Anyway I dont blame you for not believing in God if I had to believe what these churches were spewing these days I would'nt either. I just count myself lucky to have recieved the scriptures in a non literal fashion.

I still believe that genetics will prove that we could not have been evolved from ape but were genetically modified by a higher species.(by finding parts of the code that have no terrestrial source)

Doesn't this appeal to your scientific side dreamlandmafia?

[Edited on 4-5-2004 by radiant]

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 02:32 AM
Yeah I liked the part about humans having code that comes from no where, hehe

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 07:25 AM
Oh wow, here we go again. Info, you never responded to the debate questions. Now you put yourself in another debate.

I know I just used this example, but I'll use it again because its so freeking great.

When you have a bacterial infection, the doctors tell you to take your antibiotics for the full length prescribed....even if the sympoms dissapear. Why is this?

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 12:26 AM
You are right , we were supposed to go at it ... but I fell through a cieling and slit my side open down to the kidney, well almost. So for the last week or two I been doped up on 550mg of Vikidine. I am sorry, please don't think I was trying to get out of it. Will you please post another thread, and we can start from there.:w:

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 08:04 AM
Actually, I think it would be easier if I asked this question. What do you believe evolution is? I mean, do you think that it means we came from monkeys? Do you feel as if it is totally impossible? If someone could prove to you that evolution existed on some level, would you rethink your position? If it was provable?

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
Actually, I think it would be easier if I asked this question. What do you believe evolution is? I mean, do you think that it means we came from monkeys? Do you feel as if it is totally impossible? If someone could prove to you that evolution existed on some level, would you rethink your position? If it was provable?

I think on some level evolution has some merit. For instance, if sun just fell out of the sky, and we had no light, I think in a thousand years we would be pale as hell. But I don't think we would turn into bats , lol. What erks me about evolution is that it is not a fact, I realize that people say "it has so much fact behind it , it has to be true" ok , well it is still not a fact, no matter how they try to manipulate it, but it is not. And yet they teach it as a fact in school. Which pisses me off. Its fine that they teach it, but they should present it as it is, a theory. There are so many holes in it, that it boggles the mind, the chances of spontanous life are like 10 to the 40th power. Not sure if thats right , but somthing around there. Thats astronomical. In fact , anything with 50 zeros behind it, when pertaining to chance, is held even in the Scientific community as impossible. Thats pretty dam close. A lot more, but honestly I am tired, and I have a final in the morning.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 06:21 AM
I could point out examples of evolution occuring. These things are fact. There is little room for debate. There are things about evolution we are not sure of. Whether or not it occurs is not one of them. We know that for sure.

Ill give you examples if you want.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 06:38 AM
No you are wrong, evolution, micro evolution, and one other evolution, I am sorry it slipps my mind, are all different, they have no factual proof that the evolution you speak of is a fact, or exist.

[Edited on 13-5-2004 by infovacume]

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