posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:46 AM
To save your children and their's, you will need to teach them all about full self-responsibility, teach them how to grow their food no matter the
soil or weather, teach them how to live frugally and to be aware of their surroundings, teach them that they must choose their actions at all times in
order not to be reactionary and therefore a person with a "victim mentality", teach them that it is them who will create a changed way of life for
This is not a "we're screwed" answer, it is the only logical and sensible answer for our times and the times we are about to experince here.
The children need to have every tool available to them, and to be taught how to effectively use them for growth and the longevity of this human
race... if we don't do these simple things then we really are screwed, no government or alien race will come to save us. We must save us in the
simplest forms we can.