posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:24 PM
My Chiropractor as been a life saver over the years.
Like regular doctors (I have a great one too) there are good Chiropractors and bad Chiropractors.
Medical doctors are great for prescribing drugs. Surgeons are great for slicing and dicing.
Chiropractors can help readjust things in the body that drugs can only mask the symptoms of and surgeons can only slice into and basically remove.
The reality is that as we age, and if you live a relatively sedintary lifestyle of too little exercise then over the course of time, there is only so
much any kind of medical professional can do.
If you have a back braking job working in a warehouse, or on cars, as you age, there is only so much any kind of medical professional can do.
Walking I have found is absolutely the best elixer for the health there is.
Walking works every muscle in the body, and works them gently.
A good chiropractor can do a lot more than just align things that are out of place. They can provide natural health remedies, things like enzymes and
vitamins that can really help keep you in top shape, they can give you tips on posture, exercise, and how to break up bad routines that lead to
There are some real quack chiropractors, doctors and surgeons out there.
There are some real good chiropractors, doctors and surgeons out there.
It pays to ask around, and my specialist (I have a good one too) has a chiropractor and physical therapist on staff at his regenerative therapy office
that he runs as a medical doctor that people travel from all over the world to visit. People see a value in him to do that, and he sees a value in
chiropractors and physical therapy too and the last resort he ever goes to is slice and dice.
Surgeries typically can't be reversed.