Just came across this info at Michael Rivero's website, "whatreallyhappened.com", and it's pretty relevent about nukes.
Looks like they're planning to nuke NYC and blame Iran for it. Obama will have the entire city bulldozed under, and start rebuilding, thus creating
new jobs. Sad when ya gotta kill thousands just to say you put people back to work, isn't it?
I am posting the headline with link to the article, and am posting some of the bloggers responses, which are very interesting to say the least!
US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive
Dozens of US cities may have entire neighbourhoods bulldozed as part of drastic "shrink to survive" proposals being considered by the Obama
administration to tackle economic
Webmaster's Commentary:
"All we need is a good plaque to kill off all the useless eaters that would live in those shanties and the whole world will be beautiful again!" --
Official White Horse Souse
0Posted on Jun 12, 2009 at 16:05
» Comments
1"High nuclear signature"?
From the Israeli Embassy in NYC?
Of ! So that's how they ARE BLACKMAILING the US Congress and White House, to commit to NAZIonism.
They have a nuclear suitcase bomb in the NYC Israeli embassy basement!!!
You are either with us(the torturing Nazionists)or you are Schlomo TOAST!
Don't tell me Mayor Bloomberg and Schumer are the MOSSAD go-betweens?
06/13/2009 - 07:482hey chilly.....
V for Vendetta
i remember reading somewhere that there was a very high nuclear signature coming from the israeli embassy in NYC. they might already have one there
stashed in the basement.
06/12/2009 - 20:353Nuke the Zionist Embassy in
Nuke the Zionist Embassy in NYC making NYC a dead zone. No need to do much bulldozing.
Blame this on Iranian terrorists. Attack Iran.
One shot, many kills.
06/12/2009 - 20:074Caterpillar now has a prospective additional market
for its D29 bulldozers, and seeing as the USA is 405 times the area of Israel - occupied Palestine, just imagine the orgasmic delight at Caterpillar
increasing its sales hundreds of times over.
You showed a clip in recent months of a community vegetable garden being cultivated by local organized poor people on the west coast of the US, the
land of which was being resumed by the municipal authority using a - bulldozer.
We all know where they got that idea from.
06/12/2009 - 18:355To survive?
The reason they are ghost towns is that ORDINARY PEOPLE were NOT allowed to survive.
So it's 'Let's PROTECT the real estate people and GENTRIFY the whole areas for 'perty' white people' time again!
Obama,you should be BULLDOZING the homes of the shysters/bBanksters that PUT those people into tent-cities by their fiscal FRAUD!
06/12/2009 - 16:29