posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 09:06 AM
Believers will come out and tell you that photos of Mars show proof of past life some say current life, skeptics come out and state that there is
proof that there is no past or present life on Mars, but the only truth is there is no proof either way. Until we have a manned mission that sets down
on Mars, or possibly not till we start to do archeological digs on Mars, will we know the truth about past or present life on Mars.
Where I am not a supporter that there is current life on Mars, I am a supporter that there has been previous life on Mars, to what extent, I don’t
know, I have seen interesting pictures from a thread Zargon started that show interesting fossil like things on Mars, are they really fossils, can’t
be sure but I would like to think that is a good possibility. Who know how life would have developed separately on another planet, it could be
possible that bipedal humanoid like creatures exist elsewhere, for all we know our life could have originated on another planet such as mars, no one
can be certain for sure. Skeptics will say “no it is not possible”, believers will state the opposite but neither side really knows the truth. I
hope we do find the answer in my lifetime; I am only 35 so it is possible but not likely.