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9-11 events and the "tower" of the tarot...

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posted on May, 2 2004 @ 08:31 AM
I've think I've never evocated this possible theory about signification of the 9-11 events.

In the Marseille tarot, the towert (Called "La Maison-Dieu" in french) is the XVI arcana.

This one in from the most popular Tarot de Marseille edition, The Grimaud(r) one

You can find here an history of the card "Tower" (Fire) :

From the link above :
In the Tarot de Marseille, the card rather mysteriously acquired the title "Maison Dieu", the House of God. Perhaps the building was thought to be the Temple of Jerusalem, or a hospital or hotel. One clever speculation is that it was a misunderstanding of an abbreviated title, "Maison de Diav.", for house of the Devil, a more conventional title on the Italian model. For whatever reason, it was this French title that gave rise to the modern name of the card, "The Tower".

I have another explanation for the name of the card :
In french Maison-Dieu, in old has not the same sens than Maison DE Dieu (House of God, like wrote here). I've read somewhere that this house is an astrological house. This mean the "Maison-Dieu" means the astrological positions of the skiies of times of great disasters.
The full name of the card, in english is The Lightning-Struck Tower.

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 08:34 AM
Why RATS though?

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 08:40 AM

Also, the tarot have a secret meaning, connected with the masons secrets.
Some constellations, some stars/dates positions are hidden in some cards.

Some masonic principles also...

Here's an example i know :

I the Ist card, the "bateleur", his hat had been designed to make the symbol infinite :

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 08:42 AM

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 08:43 AM
One good reason why this is in RATS?

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 09:01 AM
Because I talk about hermetism...

hermetism is the magickal notation system of hidden things.

[Edited on 2-5-2004 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS
hermetism is the magickal notation system of hidden things.
[Edited on 2-5-2004 by Nans DESMICHELS]

So this should be hid in RATS?

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS
Because I talk about hermetism...
hermetism is the magickal notation system of hidden things.

Are you trying to keep the conversation "secret" or are you trying to limit new members from the topic?

I see you edited the picture of the bateleur to make your infinity point?
I don't see the 9/11 connection

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS
Because I talk about hermetism...
hermetism is the magickal notation system of hidden things.

Are you trying to keep the conversation "secret" or are you trying to limit new members from the topic?

I see you edited the picture of the bateleur to make your infinity point?
I don't see the 9/11 connection

Sorry, it's because I didn't finished my explanations about the tarot.

The infinite symbol at the Ist card of the Tarot means that the tarot have a divinatory language. The order of the card is an allegory of the Saint-John revelation visions.

That's why the XXth card is the Judgement day, and the XXIth the world. because a new world should come after the God judgement.

Each cards of the Tarot is also connected to a letter of the hebraic alphabet, called KABALLAH.

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 09:53 AM
So, we know that the events of 9-11, 2001 are XVI to XXI.

5 Cards :

The Star, The moon, The Sun, The Judgement day and the world.

Now, we can know what await us in the future.

The Star, the day the stars will fall from Sky on Earth.

The Moon, the day the moon will become red like blood.

the Sun... The revelation talk about a sun burning and killing people... Maybe it's a prophecy about the 2003 heatwave in europe wich killed at least 15.000 persons in France...

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 10:14 AM
The tower, arcana number XVI is connected to the Kaballa letter Ayin :

Ayin is the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet (aleph-beyt).
The numerical value of Ayin is 70.
The character associated with Ayin is an Eye.
The letter Ayin has a silent sound - like the breathing 'h' sound in 'Honesty'. It takes the sound of the vowel associated with it.

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