posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:49 AM
Non living, here is the solution to your problem, as simple as I can put it:
1. Upload your avatar to ATS photo upload.
2. Click the "set as avatar" command in the upload's screen
3. Open the picture, right click the picture itself and go to properties
4. Copy the web address thats about halfway up the properties page
5. Paste it into your ATS account settings under avatar URL and submit it.
The photo has to be uploaded onto ATS first and then you have to get the address from the ATS upload in order for it to work... REALLY confusing I
If you wanted to post a picture in your signature or elsewhere, simple type: [ ATS ]http://pictureswebsitegoeshere[ /ATS ] but take out the spaces
inbetween the [ and the ATS's.
Might sound confusing.... but read it over a few times, you'll get it!