posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 10:36 PM
When our desire to develop a strong sense of ourselves is met with controlling, shaming, authoritarian or intentional ego-damaging behaviors we are
left with a debilitated and wounded solar plexus chakra. This manifests as a sense of unworthiness and guilt; lack of confidence and poor self-esteem;
a feeling of being disempowered, victimized or lacking a sense of purpose. Conversely, in response to feeling deprived of power, we may ourselves
resort to controlling, manipulative or tyrannical behaviors.
Healing the solar plexus comes about through restoring a sense of personal power, self-respect, courage, humility and grace. Learning to identify and
respond compassionately to our own painful stories is empowering, as is using love to heal fears. Issues of guilt and shame can be transformed through
healing work that nurtures a sense of innate goodness, while awareness of co-creatorship with the Divine instills a sense of power. Finally, becoming
aware of the deep spiritual qualities of our own nature helps us to act responsibly and move forward with self-initiative, meaning and purpose.
The Heart Chakra
(located in the chest)
As we come to experience ourselves as safe, connected and respected, the energy begins to shift from a focus on the individual self towards a more
generous and altruistic outlook. We notice that we feel grateful for the opportunity to live life, and want to give back. The heart chakra now becomes
activated as the centre of love, compassion, devotion and generosity. The direction of energy in the body begins to move upwards in its desire to
reconnect to the greater source of Divine love. We begin to experience universal compassion - the sense that we are connected to all beings on the
planet. We may feel our hearts touched by images of young children a world away playing amongst the rubble of war. We know and have a sense of caring
both for ourselves and others and feel compelled to take this love out into action.
If however, we have not experienced security, intimacy and self-esteem in the lower chakras, the heart chakra will remain closed and shielded. Issues
such as lack of compassion, anger, hatred, stinginess, being overly concerned with self protection, fear of loving too much, grief and heart-ache may
all indicate wounding in the heart chakra.
Healing the heart chakra involves paying attention first to the wounds that are still lurking in the lower chakras. Learning to love ourselves and our
shadow places is the first step towards creating a sense of love and compassion for others. The gift of forgiveness allows deep healing within the
heart chakra - forgiveness both for ourselves and others. Visualisation, devotional chanting, yoga, prayers and Buddhist Metta or Tonglen meditation
are powerful vehicles for opening the heart. Many people find that compassionate encounters with the suffering of others is a means to open their own
heart. Important also is becoming aware of our own divine nature and beginning an intimate, sacred process of surrender to the Divine order.
The Throat Chakra
(located around the throat, mouth and ears)
As we grow into deeper awareness and opening of all the chakras, we also begin to expand our ability to tap into the vibrational energy field around
us. The patterns of sound are our connection to the world. The throat chakra is the centre for making sense of these vibrations, for communication,
self-expression, creativity, speaking our truth, and at the subtlest levels, telepathy, channeling and clairaudience (ability to perceive sounds
outside the physical realm).
If we encounter repression or attempts to stifle our innate ability for self-expression, the throat chakra closes down and energetically appears
blocked. The natural flow of vibration is impeded - energy goes in but cannot go out.