Interesting post, I'll give my opinion in two parts:
1)On your title and conclusion
All is well in the NWO
As a general point I disagree with your title and opinion that "all is going to plan on with the elites NWO plans." I believe that behind the scenes
things are badly fragmented and rivalry is intense. While there's no point in dividing it into anything as simplistic as "good guys vs bad guys",
the widespread belief that the NWO is a monolithic entity and that various administrations are nothing more than fronts is also partially false. I
think we're witnessing a behind the scenes war between psychopaths and sociopaths. I'm rooting for the sociopaths.
Of course, bring this up and people just say you're naive.
"Uh, whateva, there's no difference don't you realise."
No debate is allowed, no close-reading of events. I have watched the slow awakening of America and the West, and things have gone from (in 2004)
bitter slagging matches over 2 Skullsmen in a falsely polarised sham election, all the way to the other end of the spectrum: resignation, apathy and
the steadfast belief that everyone behind the scenes is united and there are only minor differences over political methodology.
A complete 180 with no shades of grey, only binary thinking allowed.
IMO there is a split in the elite, and things are not going to plan. One of the primary tenets of psychological warfare is giving the enemy the
impression that
resistance is futile and you are much bigger and tougher than you really are. The cat is out of the bag on the NWO so I believe
that they are trying to give the impression that all is going to plan. Alex Jones has said that the critical mass of negative publicity pushed them to
a premature announcement, and I believe that's what we're seeing- a weak, prototype NWO-lite without the manpower, unity or respect it needs to push
through some of its darker agendas. If the depopulationists were as all powerful as they try and make out than you and I would be breaking stones in a
FEMA camp by now.
I think we should try to steer a psychological line between defeatist inevitablism and an ostrich-like false sense of security.
As far as the specifics of Africa go...
Modern Trade Blocks
Most trade agreements are wolves in sheeps clothing, no argument there. FTAA and NAFTA, from what I've read, are globalist machines sold to nations
as benign unifying forces, but they end up destroying the target nation. This is probably the intention.
However, again, we must be wary of knee jerk over-suspicion. Not every trade agreement is automatically a globalist bag of bones with a few lumps of
meat thrown on top. Most are, but not all. I believe some South American trade agreements - for example- are useful and benign, and actually serve as
a barrier against external intervention. The fact is, countries need fast flow of goods, streamlined border formalities, tax incentives and the like.
It's just a sad testament to our crazy times that the words harmonization and cooperation carry such insidious overtones.
Quick side-point on your source:
Xinhua, official outlet of the Chinese gov were one of the first world-wide news agencies to give a positive write
up on Ron Paul when the western media was ignoring, maginalising and ridiculing him. Something to think about next time you see some pituitary
numbskull strutting and and chest-beating about freedawwhm and those poor brain-wahhashed communnahsts. Xinhua is your only source so I
think some background is relevant.
I agree that the globalists want to get their hands on Africa's resources, and the IMF, World Bank etc are wreaking havoc down there. I have no
position on COMESA, because I haven't studied it enough yet. Main question (for anyone):
Why do you think COMESA is an NWO institution, what
points are there in the article and beyond that have led you to that conclusion? The answer needs to refer to specifics and can't be based on a
general mistrust of globalists.
A skim of the article shows a few unsettling trends; monetary union, positive write-up on Mugabe, vague language, so it doesn't look good... but I
dunno at this point.
This article:
COMESA censures EAC over trade deal with EU seems to give a deeper
reading of the block wars, there's definitely a lot of power-play going on.
1) I still don't see how this event implies that the NWO is going to plan.
2) It's good that you drew people's attention to this issue, as we often get swept up in the media distraction of the day.
[edit on 16f20091pmMon, 08 Jun 2009 21:06:01 -050001 by HiAliens]