posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 06:20 AM
Alien/ UFO disclosure?
Cure for cancer, or AIDS?
The real story behind the Illuminatti?
Hey, wait..there is another one!
Oh, that must be for all the money going to NASA to promote fake "space exploration."'s a miracle nobody notices those bulges under the carpeting. Amazing no one trips over them.Unbelievable that there is nobody who ever
removes them...
Oh my! Was that a conspiracy over there...Whoops.... missed it again....must have been swept up by a man in a white van and a black suit.
Yes, Iam slightly mocking.
Truth, as I believe truth of many subjects to be..I fear will not be discovered in our lifetime anymore than it was in centuries past.
Going back thousands of years people feared the end of the world, tried to appease gods and tried to understand how the world around us works. Some of
their theories were dead on and others were way off and laughable. I don't really think our evolutionary process has brought us any closer to knowing
the truth about things than theirs did.
Through the ages our technology has advanced, but our spirituality has declined.
You cannot connect with something you have deliberately separated yourself from.
The grand illusion of life is what fills up your daily routine and the search for truth a hobby, a pastime.You may find little clues here and there,
you may even find a great theory that you can adopt and apply for awhile....
but while you are here, on this plane of existence , in this won't find all the truth. The truth changes with time, ever-evolving. No, this
isn't observation..a deep thought. How often do you pull away from everyday hustle and bustle to just do that..think?
Is there a purpose to this post? I dunno, that's about as elusive as the conspiracy that there is truth to all things.