posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 12:47 AM
This has all been in the works such a long time, so subtely behind the scenes that when it doesn't seem to directly effect most people's lives each
little building block the New World Order puts in place seems inconsequential to dismiss.
The reality is that you can not control people, but you can control their environment and limit their options through it.
People really don't see that a pen has been built all around them because for the most part the pen is so full of otherwise pleasurable and enticing
distractions that they have no desire nor need to look to the fence on the horizon.
Part of controlling people through manipulating their environments can be seen today in the world wide financial crisis.
It's funny really, like all the money of the world got kidnapped by space aliens or is out on strike.
People didn't get penned in by accident. They got penned in primarily through their own stupidity and vanity which is often one in the same.
The New World Order is in fact already here, it's been here since the final shot of the Civil War here in the United States.
What we have witnessed over the last century is a band of political players who front for the organized cartel that owns the financial system and the
legal system which are the lynchpins of control.
The world's central banks are owned by all the same players. International law is so common that Chapter 11 Bankruptcy here in the United States, is
guess what? Chapter 11 Bankruptcy no matter what nation you declare Bankruptcy in. Diferent language, same meaning, same number on it.
What a coincidence huh?
This merry band of politicians whether they be named Wilson or Roosevelt, Regan or Obama, Hitler or Merckel, Stalin or Putin help drive the migrations
and exterminations and set the stages for yet more migrations and exterminations to just keep getting the populace of the planet to those places, and
in those numbers, and fueled by those prejudices and resentments that enable a constant divide and conquer warfare.
They are corrupted before they get in to office, not afterwards. Term limits would not stop the malfeasance, it would just cost people who have almost
an unlimited extent of wealth a little more than it normally does.
If you look around the World we pretty much know who the good guys are.
They aren't so good, because we are taught to believe they aren't so good, in fact some of them are kind of bad, but not nearly as bad as the rulers
and regimes most of us live under whose benefit of excellent propoganda and societal control manages to convince us that hey standing in a trench
getting killed at the rate of 20,000 people a day is a good thing for a good cause, while we kill 20,000 people a day in a trench across the way, who
likewise are sure they are there to for a good thing and a good cause.
Castro's the number one hold out. It's just an Island though. North Korea is another major hold out. That country so dirt poor because of
it they can't even afford to starve! Chavez's Venezualla is another major hold out. They have oil, how I pity what will happen to them. Costa Rica
is another hold out, they refuse to even form an army! Afghanistan was a hold out, not because of the Taliban but because the people are just so
fiercely independent they are almost impossible for anyone to govern or control.
Iran is not a hold out, just a player.
Tibet is a hold out but well under control.
That's really it, that's what's left of the world that hasn't been incorporated already into the New World Order system.
The good news is, that to force the final migrations and exterminations they have to starve us and terrorize us first.
That's good news?
Yes, no telling what a hungry angry man might do Mr. Rockerfeller!
There is just no telling, especially when there are millions of them, billions of them.
Big ones Dave, really big ones!