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Disinformation Against Steven Jones And The TRUTH Of 911!

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posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:12 PM
Steven Jones seems to be a very important topic these days,due to his undisputable scientific research of demolition of the WTC.. It appears Professor Jones has put the disinformation movement on the “hot seat”. The disinfo movement is desperately trying to discredit Professor Jones. Why?

Steven Earl Jones is an American physicist. For most of his career, Jones was known mainly for his work on muon-catalyzed fusion. In the fall of 2006, amid controversy surrounding his work on the collapse of the World Trade Center, he was relieved of his teaching duties and placed on paid leave from Brigham Young University. On October 20, 2006, he announced his retirement. He holds that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition during the September 11 attacks.

He called for further scientific investigation to test the controlled demolition conspiracy theories and the release of all relevant data by the government.[11] Shortly after the seminar, Jones placed a paper "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?" on the Physics department web site.
He subsequently defended the research twice more at BYU,[citation needed] also at Idaho State University, Utah Valley State College, University of Colorado at Boulder and University of Denver, the Utah Academy of Science, Sonoma State University, University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Texas at Austin. [
On September 7, 2006, Jones removed his paper from BYU's website at the request of administrators and was placed on paid leave. [29

Jones has been interviewed by mainstream news sources and has made a number of public appearances. While Jones has urged caution in drawing conclusions,[33] his public comments have suggested a considerable degree of certainty about both the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center and the culpability of elements within the U.S. government.[34] In one interview, he asserted that the attacks were "an 'inside job', puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House to justify the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries, inflate military spending, and expand Israel."[35] His name is often mentioned in reporting about 9/11 conspiracy theories.[36]

While researching Jones I spotted dissinformation even on wikipedia Someone edited a statment Jones made. to read “to justify the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries, inflate military spending, and expand Israel. [35]. " THIS IS NOT A QUOTE FROM JONES.
So when I clicked # 35 the article that I posted below is where this alleged information came from . While reading I knoticed it was NOT IN QUOTES So that was proof enough to me to know the Guardin News made this up! Jones made no such comment against Israel this was added into Jones’ information to make the reader to suspect that Jones has an issues with Israel or Jews.

Who really blew up the twin towers?
As the fifth anniversary of 9/11 nears, Christina Asquith finds academics querying the official version of events

The attacks of September 11, Jones asserts, were an "inside job", puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House to justify the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries, inflate military spending and expand Israel.

"We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone," says Jones. "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going to get to the bottom of this."

It is hard to finding the truth about anything even in Wikipedia there are people who have ulterior motives.

Those of you looking for the truth about Professor Steven Jones and his work can go here:

Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice

Why are some people bashing a genuine scientist who has proven that our government lied to us about the destruction of the WTC? People who bash credible science and show no proof that the science is wrong, obviously have another agenda.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by impressme
Why are some people bashing a genuine scientist who has proven that our government lied to us about the destruction of the WTC?

He hasn't proven anything. And has clearly tried to decieve on several occasions. I.e. Photos of a group of rescue workers huddled around a glowing lamp, and Jones represented the photo as evidence of "molton metal".. Or the clean-up cuts NTC Iron workers did with acetyline torches, Jones represented as "thermite cuts" when he knew there were other photos in the series he blatantly "cherrypicked" from.

People who bash credible science and show no proof that the science is wrong, obviously have another agenda.

What if your understanding of credible science is lacking, and you are easily baffled with surface appearance without scrutinizing the methodology?

Could you be wrong?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:29 PM
No matter how much evidence is put out there about 911, there will still be people denying it because they cant fathom the truth of thier whole life being controlled by others when they thought they were in control of thier own life and some people think they are smarter then everybody else, some are afraid to admit reality when confronted with it because they fear that someone might ask or expect them to acknowledge thier own faults, some people no matter what wont admit the truth because they are afraid of loseing thier government checks. Its VERY SAD that these people who deny the reality of 911 being an inside job, are the very people who claim to be realist, factualist and if they put a tenth of the energy they use to deny the truth towards researching the truth, but even then thier pride and ego wouldn't allow them to admit the truth. I wish no harm towards anybody but at the same time, as this continueation of the decline of america takes place, I will not fight for them to share the same freedom they have now when we take this country back to its origins. Its sad that these deniers just dont understand that people in history, in the present and in the future will die fighting for the truth and for freedom that will be equally available to even the people who deny the truth no matter the evidence brought forth. Keep spinning people, being dizzy will just make it easier for the evilnestic criminals to wake you up right befor you rest in peace forever.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:48 PM
There is a complex web of lies built around 0/11, and much done to discredit the truth movement.

I hope Jones is genuine, but I'm afraid he may have been employed by the perps to lead the truth movement, so that any court case against the perps will be bases on falsities that they can easily disprove.

IMO mini demolition nukes were used on that day and Jone's job has been to deny the fact and present an alternative scenario.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:56 PM
...and the seeds of mistrust are sown.

Everyone who says anything about 9/11 can be a disinfo agent, it really doesn't matter, the truth is staring us all in the face anytime we watch the towers collapse.

You don't have to trust anyone but yourself. If you understand the truth, you will know who is lying to you.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by twistofcain
No matter how much evidence is put out there about 911, there will still be people denying it because they cant fathom the truth of thier whole life being controlled by others when they thought they were in control of thier own life

I can fathom it alright. I get the concept...Ya want to know what scares me more than some half-baked 9/11 conspiracy scenario? The fact that the Govermnent now has claim to major parts of American industry and financial institutions.

But of course "true patriots" want to be locked in 2001 and figure out the minutia of box column stress loads and the densitity of 767 engine parts., all the while ignoring what is going on around them in modern times.

Its VERY SAD that these people who deny the reality of 911 being an inside job, are the very people who claim to be realist, factualist and if they put a tenth of the energy they use to deny the truth towards researching the truth, but even then thier pride and ego wouldn't allow them to admit the truth.

I get sick of hearing this. I have researched this stuff ad nauseum. Why is it so hard for people (truthers) to realize I have watched the shockumentaries, read the websites, read the books, been through all the "gotcha" moments... and still remain unimpressed. Not because of fear, not because I am afraid this revelation will "crush my tiny little eggshell mind" (rip J.M.) But rather because It stinks of WEB HOAX and crudely orchestrated propaganda. That is it.. no more no less.

I wish no harm towards anybody but at the same time, as this continueation of the decline of america takes place, I will not fight for them to share the same freedom they have now when we take this country back to its origins.

Wait...we have the "good" kind o' freedom now... but we need to fight, and when we do and win.... we get equivalently good freedom back, just not for some. Did I read that right?

Its sad that these deniers just dont understand that people in history, in the present and in the future will die fighting for the truth and for freedom that will be equally available to even the people who deny the truth no matter the evidence brought forth. Keep spinning people, being dizzy will just make it easier for the evilnestic criminals to wake you up right befor you rest in peace forever.

I say: "Bring it Evilnestic Criminals!!" BWAHA!

[edit on 5-6-2009 by Taxi-Driver]

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