posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 02:04 PM
Hello ATS members! I have known and read on this site for awhile now but through recent threads and posts have decided to become a member. Also,
through the feelings of new changes and things to come have brought me to the conclusion that I should become a member, to read more of people's
thoughts and share mine as well.
A little about me:
I grew up in Buffalo, NY for 16 years and then moved to Bradenton, Fl, which is my current residence. I go to college in NJ and have recently
switched my major to Philosophy with a minor in either Business or Sports Management (still undecided on which minor to pick)
I was raised as an Episcopalian, but now no longer follow a religion. This is because I do not see the difference between a wrong and a wrong. (I do
not hate on religions though, whatever gets you through this life and makes one happy, is good for you. I am a firm believer in reincarnation and no
longer fear death.
I do believe our country did 9/11 to ourselves and has created this War on Terrorism in the ability to make it go on as long as they want, due to the
fact there is no real enemy, except ourselves.
I also believe there are other beings (aliens, whatever, etc.) out there, due to the fact that the universe is tremendously too big to believe that we
are the only ones created in this universe.
I do believe that a tremendous change is to come to our world and that we need to be ready for it. (Whether it be good or bad)
The most important thing I believe in is Love and through Love we can make our world a better one. We are all connected to each other and the
universe, and we all need to realize this.
These are just a few of my beliefs and thoughts to give you guys and gals a little introduction to me. I look forward to reading all your thoughts
and sharing with yall mine as well. I am glad and excited to be a member of ATS!