reply to post by heyo
Yeah, we hear you loud and clear. You just aren't saying anything that indicates comprehension of how the justice system works. If the crowd had
actually witnessed the rape, and acted to save the girl, and the rapist had gotten hurt or killed in the process... well then, so be it. But the crowd
didn't witness anything but a news report. They had no right to attempt to "serve justice." They only had the right to call the police and prevent
him from leaving until the cops arrived.
You are the one with the dying beast. You sound less and less like somebody trying to make a point, and more and more like those high school kids
who's entire life revolves around "Screw the system, just cuz it sucks, man!" Nobody from the first page who was cheering on the mob has returned
to this thread since the flaws of mob rule were pointed out to them. You're the only one. You. Alone. Generally, when you're the last person
standing to hold a specific opinion, it's because your opinion stinks.
If more things like this happen, the people who commit these acts will become afraid.
How are you honestly not understanding this? HOW?!! If more things like this happen, people who
DON'T commit these acts will become afraid.
Consider the innocent bystander who was also attacked. Did he deserve to be hurt? Was he a rapist? No, he was just nearby when the mob got tired of
beating one person and moved on to the next. That sure is some "other kind of justice," alright.
And if more things like this happen, eventually somebody who really is innocent will be targeted. I can see it now, somebody's going to get their arm
ripped off because their brother diddled a toddler. And there will be Heyo, going "Yeah! Screw the system man, cuz it sucks! Let's beat up
everybody, that solves crime!"
It's not for you to decide whether that girl was mistaken or lying. It's not for you to decide whether he followed her, or was just in the same
place at the wrong time. It's not for you to decide whether her blood was on his shorts, or his own. He had just been beaten down by a mob, after
all. You have no evidence. It doesn't matter if it's "good enough for you," because you are just some guy who's reading half the story on the
Internet. No matter how much you hate the justice system, no matter how much you want to beat up everyone who's a suspect in a crime, you aren't
allowed to.
You are not Batman.