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Anybody else notice a heavier level of censorship on 9/11 lately?

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posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:35 AM
Wasn't sure where to put this but I thought this is the logical place.

Recently I was banned in another forum for JUST talking about 9/11, in it's only 9/11 thread.
No warning, no PM, no nothing, just banned, nothing even in-thread but a tiny edit too add a link to a marked quote. I quoted one of the recent news items about 9/11, that was all. Never flamed or trolled, nothing offensive at all.

With over 7000 posts in that forum I thought I would have at least been given 1 private pm to tell me what I did wrong.

And even at ATS two long time posters that always supported 9/11 conspiracies, got banned.

Has anybody else noticed this within the last say 6 months?
Or am I just imagining this?

[edit on 5-6-2009 by Blue_Jay33]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Anybody else notice a heavier level of censorship on 9/11 lately?


How could that story get on FOX?


ATS didn't even shut down a political discussion on the subject! If they got banned, they broke the T&C, that simple-



Turbofan running at 200+ mph.

Any other questions?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:17 AM
"due to member demand, this forum bla bla bla".
Who is this mysterious member jumping on all 911 threads?
(I suppose he doesn't exist, and it's only an ATS "reflex". Anyway, it always feels strange for me this warning. It sounds as if something really wrong happened each time).

mangling the english langage since last century

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:27 AM
Totally unfounded theory of the week. US government, it's agencies, and the usual suspects have gotten to ATS. Implication someone here is getting too close to the truth.

To keep the site going and the Mods in work, new censorship procedures.

More likely theory, the 9/11 threads are getting to angry and accusatory. Mods reply to alert complaints rarely having time to read through each message.

Possible a few people on threads don't like you and complain regularly. So a different alarm bells goes off. You are getting too many complaints.

Possible there's some justification. Possible you've just set off alarm bells with you style.

Better to say "This sounds idiotic" than to say "You're an idiot"

Extra typing.


posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:10 AM
That seems very strange that you would get banned from somewhere without warning and explanation. Not calling you a liar, but perhaps the manner in which you presented your views was in gross violation of that forum's rules? Some places will have a "Grand List of Things NOT to do." Doing these things will result in a permanent ban without question. So maybe you inadvertently did something that was in direct violation of the forum's T&S?

Hmm, why is this thread now under close staff scrutiny? Only a couple of posts and it's already under scrutiny? Is this a joke from one of the mods?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:49 AM
Every thread at ATS in the 9/11 forum has that warning, so that's ok, nobody is being picked on, every thread is equal that way.

I think with the other board it's one particular MOD who is a ultra patriot to the American government, he can't stand any talk that hints of conspiracy.

Previously they had locked ALL 9/11 threads, but for some reason a new member came along created one and they allowed it, it's been going for about a year now.

Anyways my posting level has slowed right down because I spend all my time over here now, I won't be returning to that other forum now, that level of censorship created a really bad vibe for me over there.

ATS is 100 times better anyway

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:11 AM
Just for the fun of it why don't you mention the NAME of that other website...

I would bet more than anything it was that darn freeper site.. Freerepublic as mention on rush limbaughs show... Don't bother going there unless you worship the holy regan and his only begotten sons the bushes... When the mods disagree with you then you lose.

I got banned from there after only one post....and yes it was about 911.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:05 PM
7000 posts and banned just like that? Can you post a link to your post so that we can read it objectively? If one were to get banned from ATS, you would have to break the rules more than once in a short time period. In other words, be a habitual offender. I've seen alot of warnings issued here at ATS for some very bad T&C violations. ATS is not ban-happy.

Although there are places that don't like the topic of 9/11 because it can get very heated, ATS is not one of those places, obviously. Can we see a link to your post in that other forum?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Think of it as a blessing in disguise. Welcome aboard the ATS Enterprise... while looking at your avatar i say this with tongue in cheek.

Being the devil's advocate here, as others have already mentioned, there is a strong possibility that your delivery was misunderstood in intent and purpose.

It is very hard to deal with the illogical parroting ramblings of many debunkers, and we have some here that go out of their way to provoke a punch, so you will get a warning or banned... thus the "due to member demand, this forum bla bla bla". Some mods understand this frustration... some unfortunately don't. Easier said then done, but it's important to keep your criticisms focused on the content of the topic at hand... avoid getting lured into the web of debunking jokers who play mind-games.

An idol of mine, from this forum, lost his wings this past winter for "over-the-top rude and confrontational behavior". Not sure exactly what all of this entails, so all i can say is be careful with what you say and how you say it... and you should be fine.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 12:03 AM
On closer analysis they got me on plagiarism, but since their ban system won't allow me to access my PM's, I can't be 100% sure. I never quoted something properly or provided a link, which I would have gladly done if asked. They don't have the external tag system like ATS.

This was the mod comment at the end of the post
EDIT: Edited to properly attribute this by adding quote source and link, as posting material that is elsewhere online as though its your own material is plagiarism.

Here is what I posted

Since the turn of the millennium, John Farmer’s resume has boasted many impressive accomplishments: New Jersey Attorney General, Acting Governor of that same state for 90 minutes on January 8, 2002 and, perhaps most importantly, Senior Counsel to the Bush-appointed - and dramatically underfunded - 9/11 Commission (also known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States). Now, with a freshly inked contract from Houghton Mifflin Books in hand, Farmer is set contradict the findings of the so-called “truth commission” that he once helped administrate with his new book, The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11. Though the 256-page hardcover won’t be released until January 2010, its description is enough to make even the most stoic of conspiracy theorists take to internet message boards faster than you can say Loose Change. Here’s the official solicitation, care of Houghton Mifflin: As of the 9/11 Commission’s one of the primary authors report, John Farmer is proud of his and his colleagues’ work. Yet he came away from the experience convinced that there was a further story to be told, one he was uniquely qualified to write. Now that story can be told. Tape recordings, transcripts, and contemporaneous records that had been classified have since been declassified, and the inspector general’s investigations of government conduct have been completed. Drawing on his knowledge of those sources, as well as his years as an attorney in public and private practice, Farmer reconstructs the truth of what happened on that fateful day and the disastrous circumstances that allowed it: the institutionalized disconnect between what those on the ground knew and what those in power did. He reveals — terrifyingly and illuminatingly — the key moments in the years, months, weeks, and days that preceded the attacks, then descends almost in real time through the attacks themselves, revealing them as they have never before been seen. Ultimately Farmer builds the inescapably convincing case that the official version not only is almost entirely untrue but serves to create a false impression of order and security. The ground truth that Farmer captures tells a very different story — a story that is doomed to be repeated unless the systemic failures he reveals are confronted and remedied.

I got the story from this thread here on ATS

I figured someone might listen because this guy was on the 9/11 commission. Anyways I am so over this now, and will stick to this forum to talk about 9/11, not going to talk about it to anybody now, unless they bring it up first.

Let the those sleep waking keep doing it, it's dangerous to even try to wake them up, they have to do it on their own. This thread made me think about that.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:11 PM
The only concrete instance of "censorship" I've encountered personally was when I was posting in a forum that the truthers were being suckered by an active campaign to spread disinformation by self serving con artists publishing conspiracy rubbish in order to get paranoid people to buy their books, DVDs, t-shirts, etc. I gave numerous irrefutable exmples of bad information they're circulating, and I wasn't being offensive, I wasn't being abusive, and I wasn't really addressing any one individual person. I was merely posting actual examples of conspiracy theorist duplicity. Nonetheless I was banned from the site within a week.

Where was I banned from? The Loose Change discussion forum, and it was the producers of Loose Change themselves I.E. Dylan Avery who banned me. Why was I banned from a conspiracy website for posting examples of how conspiracy theorist websites were lying? I think the reason for THAT is obvious- It's fallacy, not the truth, that needs to fear critique.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:17 PM
I can't see more censorship, but I see a LOT more denial. It is becoming all to clear with new SCIENTIFIC evidence that this thing was a setup. Yet no one wants to know about it, they have 'moved on' and most importantly they are horrified they would have to endure that reality, the reality that it was a setup. Americans would implode if they opened their eyes to the truth so they are keeping their distance. basically they have their eyes closed, fingers in their ears yelling "la la la la... i can't hear you la la la laaaa...."

[edit on 6-6-2009 by contemplator]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave ... i don't know what to do after reading your posts... but to laugh

Anytime i start to take what you say seriously ...
i remind myself that you are only playing a game.

It's not censorship or denial that you are receiving...
it is the acknowledgment that you are trolling.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:59 PM
Didn't you hear Prez Obama says that some believe in 9/11 conspiracies and they should know that Al Queda attacked us on 9/11 and it is not open for debate this is a fact never to be questioned. Even though science supports a new investigation!!!

[edit on 6-6-2009 by Leo Strauss]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:04 AM
I think people are self censoring more lately. People seem to be afraid to post what they really believe. I think there is a chill in the country because our government has become so dangerous.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by The All Seeing I
It's not censorship or denial that you are receiving...
it is the acknowledgment that you are trolling.

TROLLING (v)/ troll(n): In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

First, it's universally recognized even among the 9/11 conspiracy theorists that their claims are controversial, and second, anyone who reads my posts knows I'm not inflammatory because I don't believe it's their fault, per se, but the self serving internet websites feeding people rubbish for their own financial gain. Third, as for "trying to provoke a response from other users", that's what EVERYONE here is doing on these boards, even you, becuase that's what these boards are for- discussing conspiracies and soliciting feedback.

If OTOH by "disrupting normal on-topic discussion" you're referring to someone interrupting your conspiracy love-fest by posting material that forces you to defend them, then the fault is yours for coming to a public conspiracy discussion board in the first place. If your conspiracy stories can't survive against even the slightest amount of public criticism then it's de facto admission that your conspiracy stories are rubbish.

Did it ever occur to you that YOU are the troll, rather than me? For one thing, how does your calling people "trolls" and then running away giggling do anything to add to the discussion about censorship, exactly?

[edit on 8-6-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
First, it's universally recognized even among the 9/11 conspiracy theorists that their claims are controversial, and second, anyone who reads my posts knows I'm not inflammatory because I don't believe it's their fault, per se, but the self serving internet websites feeding people rubbish for their own financial gain. Third, as for "trying to provoke a response from other users", that's what EVERYONE here is doing on these boards, even you, becuase that's what these boards are for- discussing conspiracies and soliciting feedback.

If OTOH by "disrupting normal on-topic discussion" you're referring to someone interrupting your conspiracy love-fest by posting material that forces you to defend them, then the fault is yours for coming to a public conspiracy discussion board in the first place. If your conspiracy stories can't survive against even the slightest amount of public criticism then it's de facto admission that your conspiracy stories are rubbish.

Thanks for saying this Dave. I'm always impressed by your encyclopaedic knowledge of the subject at hand, but also your ability to deal with the barrage of trolling in this neighbourhood in a cool and diplomatic fashion.

Reason and science fly out the window on 9/11 forums. Those offering substantiated facts are accused of everything under the sun from being disinformation agents to victims of MSM brainwashing.

The controlled demolition subject invites much attention. Because without reading much, you can watch Youtube videos and read outrageous websites, and convince yourself you're a mater detective uncovering the great plot perpetrated by the US admin and it's agencies.

It has degenerated into an online roleplaying game, Truthers vs Debunkers. Lost in all this is that the US was attacked by terrorists from the Middle East and thousands died. Blaming the US govt in a way sanctions it's enemies.

Your messages are welcome dose of reality in an arena where those looking for honest answers with an open-mind are a persecuted minority.


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