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Fat Kids

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posted on May, 5 2004 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by theshadowknows

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Just kill yourself you stupid lazy fat #s.

BTW...I do understand the point your making, but you went over the line with that comment.

*edit-insult removed. I crossed the line also*

[Edited on 5-5-2004 by theshadowknows]

Really, over the line? Well, this is my rant after all. But let's look at this logically.

Fat lazy inept parents, provide their kids with health problems, social torment and rejection, earlier death, they will be less likely to suceed, and more likely to propogate the problem being that the example made to them will be the one continued.

So... They have furthered the dibilitation of our country by adding to the "7-11 mentality" (I like to call it). Convinience is of the upmost import, while doing something hard is avoided.

I think maybe killing themselves for being a drain on society would be a mercy on us all.

Some people make me sick, but I think that the 350 pound woman I saw at Bennigans giving a 9 month old baby girl soda and fried chicken strips could use a nice dose of death to finally cure herself of the lazy ineptitude she will undoubably bestow on her innocent child.

I feel for the kids, and loath the parents.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:10 AM
Your right intrepid some people are probably overweight, because they have to use those cars. One of the grocery stores here is right next to a 'Burger King'. The individual I was referring to just walked from 'Burger King' after consuming a triple burger with cheese and a super- sized fries! ( I had to buy a pop there. They don't sell water and the temp was almost 100 degrees) It didn't appear she had any problem walking, before she got on the mobility cart at the grocery store. And I couldn't help but notice what she had in her basket. A five pound package of fatty hamburger, ice cream, chips, and something that looked like dove chocolate candy.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by MountainStar
Your right intrepid some people are probably overweight, because they have to use those cars. One of the grocery stores here is right next to a 'Burger King'. The individual I was referring to just walked from 'Burger King' after consuming a triple burger with cheese and a super- sized fries! ( I had to buy a pop there. They don't sell water and the temp was almost 100 degrees) It didn't appear she had any problem walking, before she got on the mobility cart at the grocery store. And I couldn't help but notice what she had in her basket. A five pound package of fatty hamburger, ice cream, chips, and something that looked like dove chocolate candy.

A perfect example. THIS IS A SOCIAL DISEASE. And not one limited to food, but it falls inline with the mental opulence I speak of.

It has to do with the "Bling" when you can't pay the rent, the Benz you drive when you don't even own a house, the numberous credit cards, the home equity loans (which in most cases are very stupid), the all in one MEGA stores, the home shopping network, the internet, and many many other things that create financial and personal gluteny which is outside of your means and normally self distructive.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 06:19 PM
*edited because I don't know how to express my opinion without using profanity as every second word*
i am so mad....excuse me...:bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd:

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by Banshee]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 06:23 PM
Your language is unacceptable under the rules of this forum. Please review the rules and edit out some of the profanities. Thanks.

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by Zzub]

posted on May, 9 2004 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by 2009

i am so mad....excuse me...:bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd:

Dang, I thought I was mad about it.


posted on May, 15 2004 @ 12:48 AM
Stuff about me you'll wish you never knew.

1. I'm fat. Huge. 347 pounds of heavenly joy, to paraphrase an old Howlin' Wolf tune from the 30's.

2. My doctor, who teaches internal medicine at a noted hospital, swears my obesity is caused by the fact that my neuro-receptors are blocked, and cannot uptake serotonin.

He says seratonin is produced by the body to tell the brain when you are both (a) sleepy, and (b) experiencing a filled tummy. Which is why you get sleepy when you eat so much.

He claims that this is the reason I am (a) chronically insomniac [just look at the time logs on my posts!] and (b) fatter than a tub of Crisco.

True, about every 90 days, I miss a complete night's sleep. I simply forget to go to bed. I also begin binging at around 10:30 p.m. I become so hungry it HURTS. I resolve not to eat anything, and then I just find myself in the kitchen, fondling a box of crackers or something.

It seems to run in my mother's family. And my son may have it. Our 1-week old baby, when he began nursing, would literally nurse until he puked, and then clamp right back on mommy, like he never missed a beat. Our pediatrician has encouraged my wife to keep nursing, even as junior approaches his second birthday, since late weaning is associated with lower rates of adult obesity.

there is an experimental pill that I took for a couple of months, that clears out the seratonin sites. I took it and was eating along, and nearly puked at the dinner table. My wife was worried, but I realized that I felt full for the first time in my life!

I began falling asleep at 10 p.m. each night in front of the computer while I was typing on it. I also lost 2.5 lbs a week without dieting in any way.

3. The pill is not covered by my insurance (which is excellent). and the stuff costs like a car payment.

I told Doc that no matter how genetic the thing is, I am the one who held the fork for each mouthful. I am the one who did "THIS" to me. And I must conquer it with willpower. I did loose about 20 lbs. last summer, but have gained it back.

4. A little old lady gave me some plum preserves for Xmas. While they lasted, I started feeling full in the middle of meals, and falling asleep at 10 p.m. When the preserves ran out, I went back to insomniac gluttony. I've asked her for the recipe, but she swears its just plums and pectin and sugar and such.

Maybe I could market it . . .

That's my story.

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
Stuff about me you'll wish you never knew.

1. I'm fat. Huge. 347 pounds of heavenly joy, to paraphrase an old Howlin' Wolf tune from the 30's.
That's my story.

Being tired is a state of mind. If you've ever had any experience with kids, they will show it much more effectively than an adult, but the effect is the same.

Say a kid is "tired", they whine, piss, moan (you know, normal kid stuff), but then they hear the ice cream man coming down the block.

WHOA BOY, they have the energy of Superman tryin to get that buck fifty from you for the rocket pop.

What's my point you say?

It's this. Tired is a state of mind, where physical fatigue is not.

Perhaps you should walk. Not much, just as far as you can go, once a day.

Before long, you'll be walking a couple miles.

Also, I encourage what I call "The Water Diet", which I developed for some buddies in the Marine Corps when I was in.

Before you eat anything, drink a large (and I mean large) glass of water. It will displace a large portion of your stomach so you'll actually eat less.

It will also give you the recommended amount of water intake a day (which is 8 glasses AS A MINIMUM).

Do not eat any food that you do not make yourself. This does not mean microwave or heat and serve soup.

Munch on apples (which are awesome, and varied enough that everyone should like at least one type).

Eat plums if they help (they aren't that expensive).

The point is, is don't give up. Let us know how it goes.

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 05:01 PM
# there is so many fat kids in my school no one makes fun of them but i am skinny kinda and this 4 fat kids in my p.e. class joke me about it , so i was like shut up you fat piece of #. they ran a mile in 22min i ran it in 7.26

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 05:15 PM
I think this picture says alot about the attitude towards fitness.

This is amazing.

posted on May, 16 2004 @ 11:08 PM
Wow. Fat kids get made fun of alot at my school. People yell "kill fattie!" and stuff. Our school is horrible, though.
But hey, theres not that many fat kids. I guess you would have to lose wieght to avoid getting beat up and made fun of.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 11:55 AM
It's not the parents who subject their children to social torment, it's the tormentors... who usually learn that kind of anti-social behavior from their parents. It's not only bad eating habits that kids pick up from their authority figures.

Weight is treated as a character deficit when actually it is a serious health issue. The fat person is not automatically bad just as the thin person is not automatically good. It's what you grow up with. So maybe it's the grandparents? Financial circumstances? (You can feed a lot more people on 3/ $1 mac n' cheese than fresh foods and meats.) I remember when I left home to go out and be a grown-up, for awhile I still kept buying the same stuff that we always had at home. Then one day it hit me that I really ~am~ all grown up and so I could buy anything I wanted and plan any kind of meals I wanted to have. Made a big difference, but I still know people who carry the same nutritional torch handed them by their parents.
I don't know what the Home-Ec classes are like now, if they even still have them, but maybe teaching sensible cooking/shopping is something to look into for school-aged children. Parents can't always teach these things especially if they don't know them. I remember wishing I'd had Cooking, Budgeting, Banking and other real-world instruction in school. If you're growing up in a tough situation you don't always see how it should be done or could be done, only how it manages to be done.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 11:57 AM
this is the must funniest thread i've ever seen

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:09 PM
How about fat people in boxing?

Is this a heart attack waiting to happen or not?

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Isn't that Butterbean? *L*

In the good ol' Stars and Stripes, no less!

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