posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:30 PM
I hope the people who TAKE THIS SITE SERIOUSLY (You should know if you do or not) realize that life is still moving at the same rate of speed. Last
time I checked the days are still 24 hours long, we still abide by 7 days in a week, and it still takes 365 days for a year to pass. As time is
passing by at the same rate change isn't coming fast enough.
Last week I realized that in 4 DAYS one member (pharaohmoan) was able to gather a lot of people world wide to look up at the sky, which proved to me
the true power to unite this one website has.
Let me make this very clear before people start putting the "crazy" onto this post, this is meant to be 100% SERIOUS. I've thought
about this a lot but I'm ready for some form of Alien Disclosure.
I don't want UFO disclosure, which is what I hope people notice that's what the countries around the world are doing. I want EXTRA TERRESTRIAL
I'm not stupid. The way to get disclosure is going to be a long process. A VERY LONG PROCESS. But I feel like the time to sit around sending
U2U's and message boarding stories has far passed. It was fun, we learned a lot, but as we all can tell disclosure is no closer today as it was 1
year ago, as it was 5 years ago, as it was 10 years ago. Obviously the steps ARE BEING TAKEN, as in the subject is getting more and more coverage on
MSM outlets. As recent as the ABC program from last night (6//2/2009) Earth:2100, 5 minutes into the program author Jared Diamond says how he can see
"100 years from now some advanced creature, maybe human, maybe extra terrestrials lookin at New York...". This is not a post about subliminal
messages, just showing that the steps are being taken.
I'm asking the member's of this site to help me move those steps in the RIGHT direction.
This is undoubtedly the most "life changing" event that our lifetime may ever see, if we truly would like to see it.
I'm hoping this thread is where it starts.
What I'm asking is that everyone SERIOUS about wanting disclosure, not to send millions of millions of faxes to DC. Don't act angrily and "Demand
your gov. or others of the world tell you." Just simply go get it yourself.
For those who haven't read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" might I suggest it?
So what I'm asking is this:
On AUGUST 10TH, 2009 for those who are serious go to YOUR city council and simply ask "Can we talk about the extra terrestrial presence
seriously now"?
To get disclosure WE need to get serious and ACT. No violence or incoherent rambling. No stories of how you were abducted or what you believe the
alien agenda to be. That can all wait as this is a PROCESS. A step in the RIGHT direction. Sun Tzu knew that to win a battle, use your BRAIN.
Don't come across looney, come across sane. Sober up for one day, just one; get off the couch, dress nicely, and walk down to your HOMETOWN city
council and ask:
I have a feeling that you will not get laughed at and made fun of if you stand with dignity and go about this in a civil manner.
This is a dry run message just to see how many would be on board with that idea. The truth is that whether you hop on board or not on August 10, 2009
I will be posing this question as a serious issue in my city. The more poeple, the better. And judging from the UFO watch last weekend this site
could definately pull together A LOT OF PEOPLE.
Every Wednesday I will post updates as to gathering a solid "plan". Any questions just send a U2U and I will try and reply to all ASAP with
gathering something solid.
I know this is what Stephen Bassett said he and PRG were going to do this thru various media outlets and so on and so forth, but I personally think
society has written off PRG as looney.
If you think that this would be a step in the right direction please star and flag.
For now I just ask you to SAVE THE DATE
[edit on 3-6-2009 by GeechQuestInfo]