posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:26 PM
I do hope the title got your attention.
Now has anyone ever tried to argue with a skeptic? It’s like trying to talk to a monkey. Thus I believe with a little study, and hard work we will
be able to prove skeptics are possibly the missing link or at least a primitive form of man.
My proposal:
Since the dawn of time science has be held back by one kind of person, the skeptic.
Whether this is a religious zealot, or a scientist refusing to push forward, our very existence has been dulled, and our sciences stunted by their
existence. Leonardo, Galileo, Newton, Wallace, Darwin, Einstein, Von Braun, the list is nearly endless. Scientist held back by the refusal of others
to accept the possibility of their claims, instead of encouraged going further.
The closed mind of a skeptic is incapable of understanding anything but what they are taught. (Like monkeys) The idea of expansion of science in any
form beyond their programmed ideology (once again, whether religious, or scientific) scares them so that they are forced to recoil.
Once their theories have been proven invalid, or inefficient they begin picking apart phrasing, and casting insult without reason. (Much like a monkey
throws poo) they begin to struggle with their own wording until they appear foolish to all but themselves.
I propose that the chromosomes of these closed minded individuals go under careful scrutiny, and if my hypothesized defects are found, they should be
exiled from society. The hopeful end result would be the dominance of the alleles of pure thinking individuals. Plus a boost to our own evolutionary
process as a population.
(this is of course a spoof, intended to make fun of skeptic, please don’t take it too seriously)