posted on May, 1 2004 @ 01:37 AM
Here is an article on topology and fluid mechanics:
It is not too long, but it is interesting. I have recently been reading into new theories in mathematics. Although I consider the subject of the
article linked above (topology and chaos in fluidic systems) to be an old interest of mine, the main purpose of this post is to see if anyone here
knows anything about
"singular motion?"
The study deals with the ideas of singularites regarding certain levels of topology (surfaces) and how they interact with dimensions (raising and
lowering their dimensional orientation). What's that mean? Two-dimensional motion may acutally be 3 dimensional and only appear two dimensional.
It relates to the discoveries made about the properties of singularities in chaotic systems. Basically, all motion may be linked to properties found
in singularities... which just might clear up some of the confusion as to why motion is even possible.
Fun stuff