posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by fatdad
As requested by Drumsrfun i will put my input in this one.
First i worked as a bike mecanic for several years (9yrs) and has been a bike messenger for (15yrs).
When it comes to bike tubes i have repaired my share and to tell you frankly they are always a little too big.
to make sure you have the right size check the side of the tires and you should see the dimensions neccesary to go and purchase a new one it should be
a reading like this(24x1.75) witch is the( diameter x width).
it is also important to follow these easy steps when installing:
- check inside tire when tube is removed to make sure there is no glass or debris stuck in your tire. that would cause another very premature
-put one of the beads of the tire on the rim
- blow tube up lightly witch should take some of that slack you were referring to earlyer away.
-start by putting the valve in first.
-tuck tube in evenly as possible all around the rim
- finish by tucking the other bead in from the valve and finish opposite of the valve.
- make sure the tube is not stuck between the bead and rim before blowing the tire up to recommended pressure (pinched tube)
Let me know how things turn out!
sorry if i made any mistakes English is not my MANE language!!