posted on Aug, 3 2021 @ 02:13 PM
I have a few of thoughts on this.
First, those that can rearrange their furniture even once, let alone many times, are blessed and wealthy. They have extra energy (I could never have
that much energy, so I am envious), and they have an apartment/house big enough that you can fit the same furniture in several different ways or
places without problems.
If you live in a smaller apartment, where every piece of furniture basically only fits in one place, especially after installing the other furniture
(an alcove for a couch, for example - I hope 'alcove' is the right word - nothing else would fit the alcove, and the room just wouldn't work if you
put something else in there and the couch in another place, since no other place is as good for the alcove, and it would mess up everything - plus,
you'd have to think about the outlets and everything if your tables have lots of electronics and such, which is a pain to rearrange), there's really
no way you can rearrange everything, especially without messing up the 'flow' of the rooms, and the functionality of your daily life.
So those people that CAN do it, are extremely lucky, blessed, wealthy or something. Good for them, but I hope they appreciate their life situation.
Not everyone has been dealt with such merciful cards.
Secondly, compulsive rearranging doesn't sound healthy. It can be a sign of a deep emotional trauma manifesting itself, that the individual is trying
to solve by arranging things outside of themselves instead of healing themselves internally. It's like, maybe that's the one thing they -can- control,
so it makes them feel temporarily relieved. The motivation for this rearranging is the key - if you do it just for the heck of it, for exercize, for
logical, pragmatic or functional reasons (easier to clean or something), or even Feng Shui (although this should not require arranging anything more
than once, unless you add or remove things), it's all good.
If you do it because you have an internal compulsion to do so that you can't control, avoid, or stop, then you need help and internal
Thirdly, doing it at a point where things have been stagnating in your life for a long time, and then something happens that forces you to re-evaluate
your life, choices, habits, routine, etc. that you are doing, that makes you also want to, let's say, use an unused big monitor with a PC that you
didn't think to do before, which then requires you to create some table space, which leads you to switch your overly-big MIDI keyboard to a more
compact one, which then gives you an idea to get a keyboard stand so you can put the big keyboard to another room, which.. well, you get the idea -
- one thing can organically lead to another, and in the end, you are suddenly amidst doing an overhaul on your whole external life, while also being
inspired to live again by the insight and inspiration you got, so this way, your whole place will soon look almost 'brand new' and at least very
different, even though nothing -that- much changed..
..this can seriously help with 'stagnated life', and when the inspiration for such a life-change comes from within, and the 'rearrangement' thus
becomes merely a reflection of the overhaul of your life that you are already doing / have already done internally, then it can really be a refreshing
change that brings more excitement to your life and makes your life flow again.
The motivation and inspiration are the keys here - if you just do it because you're bored or 'just to do something' - it may change the Feng Shui and
energy flow of your place, but it might not really have a big impact on your life in general, or help you in any way in the long run. Then you have to
do it again.. and it will be just as useless.
Without the internal rearrangement and insight, the external rearrangement is worthless, unless it suits some purpose.
With internal insight, inspiration and gaining more 'flow', it can be a brilliant and thoroughly necessary change that will let your internal and
external lives synchronize in a way that really makes you alive again and destroys the stagnation completely.
So it can be unhealthy, but it can also be healthy - the external has to be a reflection on already-happening internal, otherwise it's useless,
worthless or inconsequential at best, and neurotic, psychological condition-worsening, unhealthy, obsessive activity at worst (รก la 'hoarders').