posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:48 AM
Hoax, it's done with an image brush.
Btw, I have no wish to be the sceptic here. I thought it could be a heap of balloons up there. However it's all one image repeated, more pressure
used on those to the right, less to the left.
Try blowing up the image x1000, and you can see the big mistake they made. One is definitely in front of the tree.
Now look at the facts. We have two witnesses made who could easily be friends who were in it together.
We are told this was witnessed by families, but no families were interviewed or even named. Quite likely the perps just told the paper local families
had seen it.
I find it significant that the Daily Mail has already removed the story.
Like many of us I'll keep watching and hoping, but we must not lower our standards of proof to convince ourselves we have what we are wishing for.