posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:01 PM
I like how at the end of the article UFO believers are blatantly ridiculed:
"People see unexplained things," Jones says. "I used to believe UFOs were spaceships — when I was 14."
This is just a ploy to get anyone who may be on the fence about UFO's to dismiss any notion of the sort by making him/her think that such thoughts
are childish.
There is always going to be a debate about this sort of thing because those on either side of the fence always seem to have definitive proof of what
they buy into.
Some claim to be able to prove that Jesus existed. Some claim to prove he didn't.
Some can prove that evolution is a myth, yet proponents of evolution can prove it is true.
Anyone can take a picture and say it's a UFO and, depending on who your talking to, it can be proven either way.
It really stinks but that is the reality of it. I believe that we have been visited by ETB's. But we can't prove it. There are those who see lack
of proof that we haven't been visited and there are those who would say that there isn't enough proof because it's being kept hidden.
It's an endless circle and I really wish we could get to the bottom of it one day. But, we can't because no one will be happy until the world is
confronted openly by these beings. Unfortunately, if that never happens that might be proof enough that they don't exist (or at least haven't
visited Earth), which could be true. But we'll never really know will we?
Thanks for the post: S&F