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Justice Dept Attempts to Block 9/11 Lawsuit Against Saudis; 9/11 Family Members Speak Out

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 03:36 PM
Once again the US government sides with the Saudi's over American citizens!!! No day in court, no justice, no unbiased jury to hear the facts of the case and render a decision. Simply no we are siding with the Saudi's. Really it is the fear of opening a can or worms which will reveal the truth of that day. TPTB will not let that happen.

Tragic especially when you consider the plight of the first responders that have been sickened and are dieing from their heroic efforts. Not to mention all those who were injured or perished on that day.

Today the Obama Administration filed in the Supreme Court a document that expressed the Administration's decision to stand with a group of Saudi princes and against the right of American citizens -- 9/11 family members -- to have our day in court. Let there be no doubt: The filing was political in nature and stands as a betrayal of everyone who lost a loved one or was injured on September 11, 2001.

We are deeply dismayed by this decision, filed by the solicitor general of the United States in response to the Supreme Court's February 23, 2009 invitation for the government to express its views in the 9/11 families' request to appeal a portion of the case to the Court. The Administration's filing mocks our system of justice and strikes a blow against the public's right to know the facts about who financed and supported the murder of 3,000 innocent people. It undermines our fight against terrorism and suggests a green light to terrorist sympathizers the world over that they can send money to al Qaeda without having to worry that they will be held accountable in the U.S. Courts for the atrocities that result.

The Administration apparently gave less weight to the principles of justice, transparency, accountability and security, which our case embodies, and more weight to political concerns and pleadings of a foreign government on the behalf of a handful of members of its monarchy and others who stand accused of financing the attacks that murdered our loved ones. Sadly, although the Administration's obviously politically based filing is merely informational and in no way binding on the Supreme Court, if the Supreme Court were to follow it, these people will avoid being held accountable not because they are innocent, but because they are royalty.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:08 PM
Hello, have you ever heard of the term Petrol Dollars ?

The Saudis support the US government by buying our debt in payment for their Oil.

But in actuality, if they wanted to really go after the sources of 9/11 then it should be Israel and Mossad instead.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 04:10 PM
Im sorry but i dont exactly understand what we would be suing the saudis for? we claimed they were trained in other countries than saudi arabia and the perpetrators are dead. what exactly were the charges?

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