posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:51 AM
Kris- I wonder the same thing, as influenza has not been a reportable disease snce 1918. doctors and nurses have been instructed NOT to report it,
and yet CDC and WHO have sent test kits to all 50 US States. there is a sharp disconnect between truth and reality here. We have Schouchat from CDC
saying at least 100K Americans have been xposed to, or have H1N1, and yet WHO reports, what, some 15,000 worldwide?
I have been trying daily to reconcile the numbers and it's impossible. 117 deaths are reported globally from this and we have at least 20 of those
in the US that WE KNOW OF. How many, even in this country, have or are dying from it?
Is the H5N1 vaccine production the real issue here? Is H1N1 going to be a lethal yet not utterly destructive strain that is only a precursor to the
expectation of a pure avian strain with anywhere from a 50% to a 90% mortaliy rate? I can't make heads or tails of it- as I've said on other
threads, the local news affiliates are reporting illnesses and deaths far more accurately than the CDC or WHO- which tells me that the two
organizations are deliberately witholding info- and until influenza is a mandatorily reported disease, like HIV, we won't have the truth until half
the globe has been infected or dies.