posted on May, 31 2009 @ 10:22 PM
I have a sister that's learning to drive. I've let her run through some of my realistic driving simulators like Richard Burns Rally, but it
doesn't have any traffic and basically any road signs worth follow due to the nature of the gameplay, but the physics is as good as real life. It
could teach her how to get familiar with car behavior at the limits but not respecting other drivers..
We are using a PC with a logitech PS3 steering wheel that has a 900 degree rotation, realistic force feedback, brake and gas pedals and sequential
stick shifter. I recently tried the Test Drive Unlimited game. The AI, traffic and road/road signs/lights are realistic, but the physics isn't are
realistic as RBR('autobrake feature' is annoying and no way to 'disable' it - seems to be inherent feature in arcade racers..)
Anyone else using this game as a tool for teaching to drive? I know you can't just let someone do hours on this thing and go drive real life
immediately. She still has to enroll in a real driving school. But we want her to have this 'extra' knowledge of driving you may not be able to
learn in real life SAFELY, such as getting familiar with emergencies or avoiding emergencies totally..