Hey, I was curious if anyone knew how to import youtube videos to Movie Maker. I have tried changing the video format to .avi and .wmv and nothing
seems to work. It keep saying I am missing a codec, but what codec am I missing?
I would guess that you would have to somehow download the youtube video to your computer. Then from there you should be able to import it to movie
maker from your videos section...
Hi, do you want "ME"to help you??? LOL I think you know better by now. Hope you get this figured out because this will probably be one of my
next delemas... :shk:
If you did that is the reason, YouTube videos (and most videos we can see on sites like DiscloseTV or the useless ATS Media Portal) are Flash video,
and AVI and WMF formats have nothing in common with that format.
Another thing you can do is use this site to download YouTube videos, for most videos you will get the option of
downloading a MP4 version that not only will look better but may also give you less problems.