posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Just an observation for discussion. One of the factors, as I see it, to the lack of responsiveness of people to government corruption it the subtle
and adverse effects of personal taxation.
What would be better for you as an individual? To be robbed of your income via property taxes, income taxes, licensing taxes and traffic criminal
taxes Or for you as an individual to have your money and you to make a conscious and deliberate decision, on your own, to donate money? You could
donate to, the city road fund, the Iraq war fund, or the homeland security fund, or the FBI fund, or the border protection fund as you see fit? It
seems obvious that you are "empowered", socially and karmically benefited by having it as your choice rather than as your exploitation by the
system. The government becomes accountable and only provides such services are receive funding by donation. Laws can't be magically passed and
funding from theft be used against you to run these criminal boondoggles. If we decide not to pay for troups in Iraq they have to come home. The
society lives or dies by the willingness and self determination of the individual to contribute to the society as they see fit. Projects are proposed
and exist to the extent people directly choose to personally contribute whenever, however.
The point is that we are neutered in our hearts and spirits by auto taxation scams. And while it's beside the point that they are illegal to begin
with, it is a fact that society and the handlers are creating bad karma for themselves and karmic debt to you by subjugating you with taxation. Your
freedom to do what you feel is right is being robed from you by the personal taxation process.
Wouldn't the society and it's members be better served without personal taxation of any kind and with a simple dependency on donations. In a
donation system, city government, say the highway department would list of road work needed and the funds required for each task. That way, if you
don't like the project , you don't contribute to fund it or you contribute a small amount as yousee fit. That way, people can do greater
good to themselves by be benevolent and donating to projects that don't directly benefit themselves like road work in a less prosperous part of town
or even where the rich people are.
Keep in mind corporate taxation and taxation of goods would still be legitimate and usable to pay for basic needs of government like personnel.