posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 10:43 AM
This one has been floating around in my head for quite some time. It's kind of a morality question based on time travel, and see's the extent of
how selfish people really can be..
Lets say you were walking in a park with your wife (or husband for all you ladies)... and your wife is the love of your life.. You are so completely
satisfied and happy with this person that living without her would be unbearable. And as you walk through the park, a mugger kills her (watch the
Time Machine). Now, stricten with such amazing grief, you spend 6 years alone, insane, and determined to create a time machine to save her. You were
successful, and go back to time to the time of her death.....
Now, once you get back in time your time machine is destroyed and you are UNABLE to get back to the future. And lets say that it is possible to
have 2 of you to exist at the same time in the same place (Your current heartbroken self and your past Happy self).... Once you save your wife (and
she will stay alive, no predestined death for that particular time).... What do you do now? There is only one of her and 2 of you? Would you let
your old self keep her while you remained tortured. Would you keep her and let your old happy self be tortured like you have been in the past 6
years... or would you kill your old self? How far would people go to be giving... and/or selfish....against themselves?
This is also under the impression that killing my past self doesn't automatically wipe out my current self... Me personally,I'm pretty selfish. My
old self is me... everything I was, all our memories are the same. Plus I worked my ass off for 6 miserable years.. and no way is that happy lil
bastard gonna get away with taking my reward
He gets off easy, no miserable years, never having to feel the loss. My current self becomes more
happy than my old self would ever be. What would you do ?