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Are 9/11 Official Story Proponents Really the Unpatriotic?

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Although somewhat off topic in this thread, I must thank you for bringing that video up. It made me so mad I posted a thread of its own on the suject:

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Wrong again Tezzie. I offered evidence to support the fact that WTC 7 was heavily damaged and the prevailing opinion was that it was going to collapse. I cannot help it that you will not accept the words (ALL the words, not select quotes) of the men and women who were present that day. Not the theoritical words of engineers that were not there.

As I have said, more than once, ANY report on the collapse of the buildings that day, is going to be an educated guess. Without data recording equipment inside and out, there is no way to know the precise chain of events.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by impressme

Do not resist, was the common strategy. Get the plane on the ground safely and then a wealth of options open up - fuel denial, negotiations cna begin, SWAT or Special Forces teams can be employed, many, many things can begin

You must have missed the part about "get the plane on the ground safely"

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by esdad71

Except you and people like you obviously do not want the truth. You ignore the numerous holes and contradictions and outright impossibilities in the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY and pretend they do not exist. You ignore the numerous rewrites of the official script and pretend they also do not exist. You ignore the numerous mistakes and lies by 9-11 official tale supporters such as NIST and the 9-11 Whitewash Commission and Purdue University and Integrated Consultants and UnPopular Mechanics and pretend they do not exist.

That is not honest nor is it patriotic.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
reply to post by esdad71

Except you and people like you obviously do not want the truth. You ignore the numerous holes and contradictions and outright impossibilities in the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY and pretend they do not exist. You ignore the numerous rewrites of the official script and pretend they also do not exist. You ignore the numerous mistakes and lies by 9-11 official tale supporters such as NIST and the 9-11 Whitewash Commission and Purdue University and Integrated Consultants and UnPopular Mechanics and pretend they do not exist.

That is not honest nor is it patriotic.

Thanks for the constructive post. Let me try this again. why do we not start the "Truth or Ignorance" movement. Work together to raise the money and acquire what is needed to perform the tests. Flood our congressmen and women with emails and letters that request them to match our funds for research. The Obama adminstration recently for the first time as a sitting president admitted we overthrew Iran so I am sure through the FIA we could acquire any documentation that we want.

We are not ignorant because on both sides we are informed and we all seek the Truth...even if in the end it does not go along with our belief system.

How is this dishonest or unpatriotic? I am calling for for to take the energy that is expressed to one another and to use it to work towards a solution. Do not be mad at me, the one who wants to find the truth but direct your anger at those who are trying to betray you with falsehoods about 9/11.

I want the truth about Flight 93...

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
We are not ignorant because on both sides we are informed

Informed by a total lack of evidence?

Where did NIST prove their truss failure hypothesis again? Which lab test was it? Oh yeah, they never tested it. Even though they had the truss/perimeter connections already set up over fires in their labs. Never reproduced the truss connection failure mechanism.

What was the eutectic that melted steel that FEMA couldn't explain in appendix C of their report? Oh yeah, NIST never went back to that, either.

How could this stuff have just formed naturally in the buildings? No explanation for that either. Still waiting...

and we all seek the Truth...

We all may say that but there is a difference between talking the talking and walking the walk. Everyone who has a good "mental map" of all the hard data presented by the federal government knows where the holes are. And we all know no one has plugged those holes yet. THEY are the ones that took responsibility, and all the physical evidence, documentation, and government-granted all other resources, and they failed. No one else has ever had access to those same resources to do a similar investigation. Everything else coming from the public IS speculation, though from a simple lack of logical answers to a number of questions, a very large percentage of Americans DO feel there is more than we're being told and we need another investigation. Including, obviously, lots of scientists and engineers, though you constantly downplay them and attack their characters when they become too vocal.

I am calling for for to take the energy that is expressed to one another and to use it to work towards a solution.

Don't tell me: write our congressmen?

[edit on 5-6-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Nice post. Actually, I was simply stating that it is time to stop attacking each others sources and pool the information in a collaborative manner. Take all the time posters use fighting to do something that may make a difference.

So, if there is such a large percentage of those who feel the official story is false, why do they not all donate a dollar? Think about it. If just 1% of the population contributed, you would have twice as much as the original Commission had to research this.

We are beyond the same old arguments. It is time for a new movement, a non partisan collaboration.

I am sure that more than 1% of the population is patriotic

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:05 PM

posted by esdad71
reply to post by bsbray11

Nice post. Actually, I was simply stating that it is time to stop attacking each others sources and pool the information in a collaborative manner. Take all the time posters use fighting to do something that may make a difference.

We already do that with each other and most 9-11 Truthers. It is the government loyalists who do not cooperate. They refuse to consider more than one item at a time. They refuse to see the many contradictions and alterations to the official script. When they lose an argument, they flee and avoid that argument like the plague. They all appear to be dishonest and unpatriotic.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by esdad71
reply to post by bsbray11

Nice post. Actually, I was simply stating that it is time to stop attacking each others sources and pool the information in a collaborative manner. Take all the time posters use fighting to do something that may make a difference.

We already do that with each other and most 9-11 Truthers. It is the government loyalists who do not cooperate. They refuse to consider more than one item at a time. They refuse to see the many contradictions and alterations to the official script. When they lose an argument, they flee and avoid that argument like the plague. They all appear to be dishonest and unpatriotic.

I don't flee. I listen and offer alternatives and get in some discussions so heated I get banned once in awhile. I do not see how I appear unpatriotic and dishonest when that is simply your opinion of someone based off of internet posts which to me seems quite prejudice.

I am on the other side and I am saying we should come together for the truth and you refute me. That is not my choice but yours...

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

NIST NCSTAR 1-9 Volume 1, Pages 298 to 304 detail the witnesses comments regarding the damage to WTC7.

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