You know what I find is the most funny thing of all this?
You said there must be Chinese, Muslims, Communists, Talibans posting here with an agenda to bring your country down!
You said: we are under attack from some people here, they are confusing us with all these crazy topic and ridiculous threads!
You know what my friend! a lot of these crazy threads and what you call ridiculous topic I've seen here, have been posted by American members of ATS!
Yeah! that's right! your fellow countrymen and women!
Guys and Gals from Texas, Ohio, New York, Florida, Virginia, Washington, Georgia, California, South Carolina, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Kansas,
Kentucky, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Iowa and all other states in your country!
How the heck to you explain that?
I didn't knew that soo many Talibans and Chinese communist and ex-KGB were living inside the USA?
And are all those posts here, made by Talibans, Communists, Muslims, Chinese people writing under other well known alias/usernames here at ATS?
Hmmm! let see! Crackeur could be a French socialist? or Springer? that sounds like a suspect hmmm? could that be his KGB-name? - what about that Irish
Chic? I bet she's not even Irish, nahh! she must be a 'Chinese Chic' in disguise!
Questioning Gall made an Interview with Celente recently hmmm!? he is an Italian troublemaker ahhhh! mafia!! Italian mafia/Russian maffia that's it!!
I got it!! - Questioning Gall is an old male russian communist war hawk from Kremlin here on ATS spreading propaganda!
And what about that nutty Rambo guy Dooper? always talking about guerilla warfare & battlefield stories hmmm! that some serious suspicious stuff
there, that guy is always yapping about Afghanistan & Iraq 24/7 - he says he is a SF soldier nah!! he must be the Taliban!
And don't get me started on that dude: Chevalerous! - that name just screams and smells like a Swiss-French Lenin socialist conspirateur!
Don't you see the insanity here?
(Sorry to all those people who's usernames I quickly borrowed here for fun! - I hope you didn't get too offended by this?)
[edit on 30-5-2009 by Chevalerous]