posted on May, 28 2009 @ 09:42 PM
I know that we've beaten Swine Flu and H.R. 2159 to Death lately here on ATS but I have been thinking how convenient it is that Swine Flu just
'happened' to get blown into major media attention around the same time certain people in Congress were presenting H.R. 2159 to try and pass it.
We (collectively, the American people and world at large) have stood with our minds so wrapped up around thinking we will catch Swine Flu that there
has been little coverage on what has been going on in Washington.
This isn't the first time the American government has used the Media to blow a story out of proportion to further their heinous agenda and I think
we've fallen victim to it yet again!
Even still with Swine Flu crisis mode dying down, if you google H.R. 2159 or look it up in most major news feeds, it doesn't have nearly enough hits!
This bill gives too much power to one individual and I sadly feel this as one more step closer to the NWO winning this power war.
I try to avoid the "sky is falling" type of comments, but the parallels between the ancient Roman Empire at the point of its demise, and the mess
that the United States in turning into is terrifying.
Please star and flag to let others see this!! Lets end the government vice-grip on controlling our media sources! Lets beat them at their game!
[edit on 5/28/2009 by Sliadon]