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Looking for explanations on my experiences

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posted on May, 28 2009 @ 03:48 PM
I am 32 years old, male, drink on occasion, college graduate, great job.

Last Sunday something woke me up at around 3 pm. I heard 2 extremely loud buzzing/vibrating sounds coming from just outside my window in my bedroom. I immediately thought it was someone mowing their yard or using weed eaters, but the sound seemed to be located far off the ground. I equate it to 2 massive bumblebees. I tried to get up and couldn't move anything except my eyes. I had a sense of being watched or something was in the room. I felt an indescribable energy flow through my body. When I was able to move, I looked out the window and went outside. I saw no signs of any neighbors doing yard work. I started to question my own sanity. A friend was on the couch in the living room during all of this. After checking for neighbors doing landscaping, I asked my friend if anything weird happened to him without giving an explanation of my experience. He said that something woke him up and he was paralyzed except for his eyes. He did not hear any sounds or feel any weird energy in his body.

Prior to this incident and due to many other incidents, I started trying to figure this thing out by reading books and internet sites.

Some background info may be helpful to people looking to explain this:

About 2-3 years ago, I suddenly converted from atheism to spirituality, almost overnight. Out of nowhere I became fascinated with quantum physics, astronomy, free energy technology, and ufo's/aliens. Recently, I have had many synchronistic events dealing with the clock being 11:11, 3:33, etc and when something is needed it just seems to always be there. An example of that is my AC went out at my house. A friend I haven't seen in a while was there at my house who had a friend who owns an AC company. The AC guy was there in 2 hours to fix the problem. There are many more synchronistic examples, but let's just say right time, right place/luck. I have been searching for answers for some time which led me to this site. I have ordered over 100 books (no exaggeration, probably more than 100) on Amazon searching for answers. I made a 3.16 in college, but absolutely hated reading. Now I can't seem to get enough books. The UFO abduction phenomenon was a common theme in many books, but I always try to keep an open mind. Let's just say my mind is now wide open to any explanation. Lately, I have had this weird urge to stop eating meat and stick to a veggie diet. I still eat meat, but for some reason seem to know I should stop.

I have been having many experiences lately that have me questioning reality. I noticed a small scar on my inner groin that is a perfect triangle made of 3 small, round dots. I have no memory of seeing any alien beings or craft ever. However, I have had numerous dreams of me flying around my current and childhood neighborhoods. I have no childhood recall of "imaginary friends," but my mother recently told me I spoke of many friends that played with me in the woods by my house when I was 5 or so years old.

Can anybody help me figure out what is going on? I recently came clean to my mother about all this. She says she has seen beings he entire life. Some background info on her: she is a high school principal with numerous accolades. My son is 3 and seems to see things also. He was at his aunt's funeral recently and kept pointing to the top of a tree during the funeral because he was seeing his aunt that passed. Maybe their is no family connection, but I noticed in books that family was emphasized as being important to this phenomenon.

Thanks in advance for any help/explanation that can be given to this weirdness.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 03:51 PM


posted on May, 28 2009 @ 03:54 PM


posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by slated

im not too sure but i have a friend who keeps waking up at 3am too. i told him what i have been witnessing, and that is its kind of a phenomenon. though he didnt tell me he hear buzzing noises or anything else. i just asked him if he heard birds and he said yeah.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:56 PM
I go through this all the time,
But I attribute it all to my sleep paralysis since i suffer from that a lot, and often dream of a "buzzing" or "vibrating" almost like a helicopter hovering over my house, something interesting that happened the other night was that I heard this sound and suddenly felt a sharp burning in my body and started to jerk upwards and it happened in sync with the helicopter sound, during my thought process at the time I actually thought it was whatever was flying outside of my house doing this to my body.
I always dream about Aliens abducting me and ghost entering my body, but my logic and reasoning tells me it's simply night terrors or SP.
Also, I'll wake up in a panic and feel like something horrible is coming for me or watching me and I can't move, I'll try to scream and nothing comes out, I'll think I woke up, but then all a sudden it happens all over again.
I have learned to control this and lucid dream but if I fall into an SP episode I focus on shaking my hands really fast and that breaks the paralysis and wakes me up.

If you think this has anything to do with sleep look into Sleep Paralysis, and also Astral Project a lot of people would claim the humming you hear is what happens when your body is separating from its human form and going into the Astral World, now some people think this is happening for real, and then others think that this is just a nifty thing that happens due to chemicals and nerves in the brain.
Other phenomenon is the old hag syndrome.

Even if it is dream related it doesn't mean it has no significance, IMO I feel it's just trickery of the brain and nerves, but I could be wrong as it is a very strange and real thing to experience.

I wish I could give you more info, but one thing you should really do is keep a journal of these events keep pretty much everything about your day documented from what you eat, to your mood, to the weather and then you can look back and see if there are any triggers or cycles that are happening.

I know things like this can be scary and seem like a total glitch in your reality.I hope someone can help you but remember to form your own opinion on the information you are subjected to.The only person who can tell you if this is real or not is you because you are the only one who is being effected and living it.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by pop_science
I go through this all the time,
But I attribute it all to my sleep paralysis since i suffer from that a lot, and often dream of a "buzzing" or "vibrating" almost like a helicopter hovering over my house, something interesting that happened the other night was that I heard this sound and suddenly felt a sharp burning in my body and started to jerk upwards and it happened in sync with the helicopter sound, during my thought process at the time I actually thought it was whatever was flying outside of my house doing this to my body.
I always dream about Aliens abducting me and ghost entering my body, but my logic and reasoning tells me it's simply night terrors or SP.
Also, I'll wake up in a panic and feel like something horrible is coming for me or watching me and I can't move, I'll try to scream and nothing comes out, I'll think I woke up, but then all a sudden it happens all over again.
I have learned to control this and lucid dream but if I fall into an SP episode I focus on shaking my hands really fast and that breaks the paralysis and wakes me up.

If you think this has anything to do with sleep look into Sleep Paralysis, and also Astral Project a lot of people would claim the humming you hear is what happens when your body is separating from its human form and going into the Astral World, now some people think this is happening for real, and then others think that this is just a nifty thing that happens due to chemicals and nerves in the brain.
Other phenomenon is the old hag syndrome.

Even if it is dream related it doesn't mean it has no significance, IMO I feel it's just trickery of the brain and nerves, but I could be wrong as it is a very strange and real thing to experience.

I wish I could give you more info, but one thing you should really do is keep a journal of these events keep pretty much everything about your day documented from what you eat, to your mood, to the weather and then you can look back and see if there are any triggers or cycles that are happening.

I know things like this can be scary and seem like a total glitch in your reality.I hope someone can help you but remember to form your own opinion on the information you are subjected to.The only person who can tell you if this is real or not is you because you are the on
ly one who is being effected and living it.

Thank you for the response. I am sure the 2 deleted posts were something along the lines of telling me I have lost my mind. Like I said, I am trying to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. Going insane is definitely 1 possibility, but the fact that my buddy was in the living room 20 feet away and had the same paralysis is somewhat intriguing.

Please keep the opinions coming and mods please don't delete any opinions. I want to hear as many different opinions as possible, even if they are just calling me nuts.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 03:24 AM
I will keep a journal of all of this, especially all of my dreams. It seems like the last few dreams I remember all either involve flying or are a precursor of the next few days. I am even having dreams about running into people and the dream seems to be what will happen in the next few days. This is getting stranger and stranger.

A few weeks back I was at a friends house 45 minutes from mine. I got this weird feeling that cops were about to be near me so I left because I had a bad feeling something was going to happen involving the police. Turns out, 10 minutes after I left, someone showed up to my friends house with a loaded gun. So, like I said, this has been pretty cool.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 06:40 PM
I believe what ou are experiencing is a combination of things.

First, I would say that you are experiencing sleep paralysis. Many characteristics of sleep paralysis were described in your OP, including the buzzing or humming noise. I have experienced something a bit similiar, but it was more of a pinging sound - like one of those sticks that are filled with BBs.

Sleep paralysis is an indication that you may be able to experience OBEs with general ease, compared to others. One of the big things that you want to do, if you are interested in taking your experiences to the next level instead of suppresing them, is to put any type of fear you may have about beings being in your room to rest. If they are really there, there is nothing really you can do, and if they want to do something to you they will. Since you haven't been harmed yet I doubt you will be. So eliminate the fear aspect.

The next time you wake up and you find that you can't move don't try to move. Close your eyes and relax for a moment - a couple minutes - and then try to roll over. You may find that you have left your body, even being able to see yourself laying on the bed. If you are able to get out you will be able to roam around your world, undetected by others, while passing through solid objects.

So you may want to do a little research on OBEs. I have recently read a lot about them and found one website that is very informative it is Lucidology

Second. you may be experiencing the final stage of becoming an adult, I presume. I have recently questioned if there is a stage that most, or all, people go through as a final stage of maturity.

It seems that many people between the ages of 28 - 35 (some younger and some older) experiencing a spiritual and mental awakening. It is like you can't get enough information, you either gain or lose faith in something (for me it was the conclusion that the human soul is real and definite), and - in some cases - you may settle on what you really love to do.

There are probably several other things that occur during this period, but they are, more than likely, different for each individual.

I don't know, for sure, if this is a real phenomena. It does seem like a whole lot of people go through something like this and seems plausible..Who knows for sure if we have fully matured when we are out of puberty?

I wanted to add that much of the stuff you are gonna read on the sleep paralysis and OBEs is in-correct. I believe a lot of the stuff is written by doctors or psychologists who interpret(?) information they receive from patients or books. Individuals may experience different symptoms relating to these experiences, so take what is accurate with you and leave the rest.

I hope you are able to identify with your experiences and grow from them in a positive way.

Here is a video that wille help with the OBEs if you want to pursue the them:

[edit on 29-5-2009 by esteay812]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 07:25 PM
It might be worth your while wandering around the area where you live to see if any mobile phone masts or small power stations have been erected near your home. Both of these give off electric and magnetic fields which, during daylight hours when we are awake and alert don't bother us, but during the early hours when we are at a low ebb they can bring on all manner of strange experiences.
If you believe in abductions then you could be forgiven in believing that aliens have taken you against your will. If you believe in poltergeists or ghosts, likewise, you could be forgiven for believing that your house is haunted. . .
Also, take time to look around you home for any electric appliances which may be faulty and causing ultra-sound waves which have been proven to cause very realistic hallucinations.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 01:31 AM
Thank you both for the last 2 replies. There are no magnetic fields around my house. There are no power grids or cell towers.

Like I said, whatever has happened has changed me to a pure spiritual person. No one can change my mind on that. I still don't know what these experiences mean, but I somehow know that we are eternal and keep getting the sense that we are one.

I am a big tool fan and these lyrics from parabola really hit home with me:

We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment,
We are choosing to be here right now. hold on, stay inside...
This holy reality, this holy experience. choosing to be here in...

This body. this body holding me. be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.


This holy reality, in this holy experience. choosing to be here in...

This body. this body holding me. be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion...
Of what it means to be alive

Swirling round with this familiar parable.
Spinning, weaving round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this
Chance to be alive and breathing
Chance to be alive and breathing.

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. remember. we are eternal.
All this pain is an illusion.

After reading the lyrics in this new light to a song I have always liked, I get the feeling that the lyrics describe exactly what is going on with me. I just seem to know that we are eternal beings just having a human experience.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:33 AM
Sleep paralysis is one possible answer, though its odd that it often includes dreams of ets, space crafts and happens so commonly that many experience. Sleep paralysis does occur during abductions however. Also, for their medical procedures that they do as home visits.

This is actually an area that needs to be explored especially in terms of memories. The dream journal is a very good idea. Just keeping a journal and writing down any ideas that come to you. That you discussed this with your mother and she has also experienced something related is a very good first step. This is usually a family thing, generational.

The first thing you need to look at is whether you have a bloodline. Any Scottish or royal bloodlines, famous people, titles, anything like this in the family tree. If you end up with memories surfacing that flesh out more detail on this, and your family doesnt have a record of a bloodline, I know that this connection is why zetans/greys abduct or take dna, so it would actually mean you do anyway.

Rh positive or RH negative?

There is also a possiblity that there is more that you could recover, and I think everyone needs to become aware, and spend time reaching their right hemisphere through meditation, music, sacred geometry, viewing crop circles. I have a thread about this with much music as well. I would spend considerable time, as allowed due to your schedule on this. Ie. the music on an mp3 player for chores of any kind, and mediation, perhaps 2 hours a day, minimum. I would view et script online. Really look at it and view it for a few minutes at a time. If you feel a hit, take it further, and ask yourself what it means? But also just spend time with it. Sacred geometry. Print off the pictures and hang them up and put them under your pillow. Crop circle videos, pause on each one and really try to get the hit, the vibrations.

Another way is to do the meditiation such as (era eastern album is wonderful) any kind. Ie. chakra is nice, but just a simple, let your mind drift and pay attention lghtly to whatever comes to mind, then let it go and when colors start to form, and vibrations, focus on them. When you are in a very deeply relaxed altered state, intend and state that you are growing strongly connected to your higher self and that he will help you and teach you. Ask for Creator, in any capacity that you feel this awareness, to assist you, and all higher cosmic citizens of light and love to assist you with accelerated ascnesion and dna healing. This is something that I can't explain, I put it off for ages and thought it was just new age, and some kind of hype by the illumanati. It is incredible and it really assists your memories, awakening. Its a process, and its rarely overnight for anyone. This could take months before things really change a lot, but you should notice some changes quite quickly, within days, or weeks. I imagine it varies.

With the experiences we had, I don't know how the early childhood ones went, but the recent ones, no one was paralyzed and I don't recall ever having sleep paralysis.

My thread is here:

This is one of the best songs by era for meditation: (though I like an assortment of music)

Era tara shakti mantra
Alien scripts


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