posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 02:12 AM
Yeah, trust me, the side effects of it are not worth it at all, I know a few pro nflers, I went to high school with who took it, and have some of the
most bizarre things on their bodies you wouldn't if believe if you were seeing it!
If you want to beef up, Creatinine, Massive Amounts of Protein, Excessive NO2 all from your local Vitamin World, or GNC, (I have cards to both,
although GNC one is expired and they still dont care!) It's about 300.00 for a months supply, and NO2 will have those veins popping out blasting the
nutrients to your muscles, creatinine will give you that i've just worked out look even if you havent. And protein to help actually build those
But in all You have to religoiusly work out, and you'll be pumped in no time!