posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 10:40 PM
In the case that an asteroid would hit the Earth, and that asteroid would destroy all life on Earth, even thou I understand that some people would
like to know before hand even if there was no way to survive this impact, I would agree that it is better not to give the information to the general
My reason for not doing this is that first, I believe that everyday people should let those they love know about it nomatter what. And a catastophe
should not be the only reason why people would show their affection.
Second that knowing before hand something would destroy the Earth and there was no survival, there will be chaos and a lot of people will see this as
the last time when they "can really do what they want." Since people won't be inhibited by the law, there wouldn't be any law the next day, they
would do everything they want to do, adding to the chaos that would ensue.
If we were to be struck by something smaller, but there was a chance of survival, like in the movie deep inpact, my choice would be to let people know
and save as many as possible.
Then again you have to think, surviving such a catastrophe would mean almost certainly that people have to go underground. How many people would be
willing to stay underground for an unlimited period of time?
Now that you talk about this, my visions/dreams have been increasing this past two weeks, and what I have seen in those visions/dreams is not
Do you have any reason why you are asking this now?