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Coming Global Crisis, Population Reduction, Sustainability

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:47 PM
(this sentiment has been posted in other forums on ATS.
I hope this is a more proper placement)


Before reading this post, please make sure to fasten your logic,
secure all emotions, and keep your flames and rants inside the
car at all times...


On this site we bemoan the easily duped "sheeple" for allowing the
PTB to use their emotions against them. We rail for our "blinded
brethren" to open their eyes and see the light. I am simply asking
for an attempt to apply logic and reasoning not let emotion
blind you to what could be the truth--simply because that truth is an
emotionally charged one. Now relax, take a deep breath, think...

We, as a civilization, face a problem of immense proportions. It is
a problem that cannot rectify itself without mass misery and death being a
consequence of that rectification.

Our problem is a coming exponential explosion in world population.
While I wish this weren't true, if I apply logic and the best science
available, I can clearly see that this is true. It is beyond conjecture.

These are facts (if you can refute them, please help in the search
for truth by logically refuting them--I wish they weren't true)

1. The Earth is not producing more space. It is not growing.
2. Human population is growing at an exponential rate.
3. If we Humans continue to populate the Earth at historical
rates, we will soon reach a point of maximum capacity.
(This point of "maximum capacity" is a debatable number,
however, reaching this "point" and "exceeding it" is
inevitable unless we do something to slow our rate of

This is ENTIRELY my argument. It is built on a love of humanity.
It is constructed with foresight of the future and sympathy
for the future denizens of this world, my descendants. If I do nothing,
if I say nothing, my children will have to deal with this problem
at a point in the future when they will have little recourse but to
allow government to solve this problem for them. This to me
is unnacceptable.

I liken it to selling a car to my son that needs brake pads.
If I take the opportunity to teach him how to change the pads
he learns a valuable lesson in responsibilty and I save him much
misery and cost. If I do nothing, and he takes charge of the car and
he drives it unknowing, then, (at best,) he will, in the future, have
to change the pads himself, (in the middle) he will incur much
cost replacing other components that fail due to the bad brakes,
and (at worst) will crash and burn when the brakes fail completely.

Hmmm, I realize the above analogy is a poor one, but it does
make my point, and I am low on time to create a better one.

In sum, if we do not (at least) start a discourse on the coming
global population crisis, and begin to address this problem ourselves,

Now feel free to exit the vehicle at anytime, and (re)place your head in
the sand if that makes you more comfortable.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:15 PM
The overpopulation meme. One of the main bastions of elitist mind control.

Here's the truth about overpopulation: there is not any overpopulation. There is no shortage of resources. There is no need for culling. What there is is gross missmanagement of resrouces, coincidentally stemming from the same crew that talk most about overpopulation. I liken it to the ticks, who have sucked the dog dry, campaigning for a smaller, healthier dog. It dosen't make any sense.

We have about 7 billion people. We could feed with subsistance farming, not anything highly productive, just the land and water, all these people with less than 5% of the landmass. We could probably fit all of them and have a working arcology in a place the size of texas. Might be a bit crowded, but it could be done. There is no shortage of land. And I won't even go too much into the water, with a planet covered by it. And there isn't even a shortage of energy, with 1000w per hour per square meter, per daylight, per average, not even going into the wind or wave energy. There might be some shortage of resources, but we are just now at the start of using carbon technology for construction and machines, and there's no real shortage of that, it's in the atmosphere.

No, what humans have is a shortage of common sense in the majority, and of honesty and goodwill in a pathological minority.

Anyone speaking of overpopulation should be obliged to quickly knock themselves off. If everyone who thought, or even just defended, the idea that there are too many people just followed their own philosophy and died, then we would quickly get over it and find actual real solutions for our problems that would benefit everyone.

At the root of all this is money, because everywhere whenever something important needs to be done there is always people asking "can we afford it?". Instead of this dumb question that is really just asking for elitist validation of slave labour, people should be saying "what do we need to do to get it done asap?". This little change of focus would solve most of the world's problems. Including faux overpopulation.

If you want people dead you do not love. End of story.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Just another thing I forgot to add: as for shortage of space in the long term... well, I do think God made the universe so mindnumbingly big for a reason...

Instead of thinking about death we might change focus and think about going starwards?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Mindmelding
If you want people dead you do not love. End of story.

I think the OP is saying we need to regulate our birth rate, not kill a bunch of people.
Pic from the reality show 18 kids and counting. That's just ridiculous!


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:55 PM
I'm speaking in terms of overpopulation, and I see no need to off myself. As we are, we're overpopulated NOW. This isn't to say it's cut and stone, just that the way we currently manage our resources, and enforce environmental regulations, based on the current population and environment conditions, it's unsustainable.

Increased disease and famine will occur, unless changes are made with a quickness. A feedback loop between mans actions on the environment and natures reactions as a means to survive is taking place. All organizations on this planet are evolving at an increased rate due to man made factors.

I invite anyone wanting more information to check out this thread for some details.

How could an event in 1997 Cause a Pandemic in 2009? What Happened?

The bio-sphere is in the process of self-correcting humans actions. Lets hope we can keep up with the changes. While there is worry about an elite depopulation plan, I think humanity has already done enough to cause a (semi)natural, unstoppable one from occurring!

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Mindmelding
The overpopulation meme. One of the main bastions of elitist mind control.

Here's the truth about overpopulation: there is not any overpopulation.

This is true, but misses the point. I'm am not talking about the present
day. I am talking about the future.

There is no shortage of resources.

Again, beside the point Resources NOW are more than adequate, but
resources are finite. In the future, there will come a time when
available resources, utilized at MAX efficiency, will fall short of
demand. I am talking about addressing a FUTURE problem.
One that is coming if we do not act.

There is no need for culling.

Nowhere, do I mention culling, killing, genocide, euthanasia, or "thinning
the herd." My objective is to start a discussion about hot to decrease
birth rates. How us humans can come to a consensual solution to
a crisis, before the crisis happens.

What there is is gross missmanagement of resrouces, coincidentally stemming from the same crew that talk most about overpopulation. I liken it to the ticks, who have sucked the dog dry, campaigning for a smaller, healthier dog. It dosen't make any sense.

We have about 7 billion people. We could feed with subsistance farming, not anything highly productive, just the land and water, all these people with less than 5% of the landmass. We could probably fit all of them and have a working arcology in a place the size of texas. Might be a bit crowded, but it could be done. There is no shortage of land. And I won't even go too much into the water, with a planet covered by it. And there isn't even a shortage of energy, with 1000w per hour per square meter, per daylight, per average, not even going into the wind or wave energy. There might be some shortage of resources, but we are just now at the start of using carbon technology for construction and machines, and there's no real shortage of that, it's in the atmosphere.

Once again, this perspective is in the "here and now". I am looking to
the future crisis.

No, what humans have is a shortage of common sense in the majority, and of honesty and goodwill in a pathological minority.

I agree

Anyone speaking of overpopulation should be obliged to quickly knock themselves off. If everyone who thought, or even just defended, the idea that there are too many people just followed their own philosophy and died, then we would quickly get over it and find actual real solutions for our problems that would benefit everyone.

NOT overpopulation NOW. Overpopulation in the FUTURE. I'm worried
about our children.

If you want people dead you do not love. End of story.

I do not want people dead. I do not want people hungry, I do not
want people to HAVE TO focus their entire resources on procurring
safe food, and clean water, and healthy habitat, because neccessity
dictates that they must to survive. And in the future if we as a species do not slow our rate of growth to one which is in symbiosis with the planets
ability to sustain us, we will either.....Die in our won waste, or we will
be forced to colonize space. The only other option is unthinkable---the one you mention as "culling". This is the reality.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by rival]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by rival

Let's solve the problems we have now, which are not overpopulation, they are missmanagement. If we do that then we almost automatically open the option to colonise space, which basically solves the problem imo.

We need to solve the overstupid problem first

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