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Is Top Secret 'REALLY' secret

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posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 05:37 PM
How does the Military keep Top Secret information secret?Mostly in reference to the Military Bases,like Dulce,where there is speculation that they are doing things that is/could be shocking to the public...alien research,genetics and other weird things.I know the military has a protocol/oath of silence or something that must be followed but dontcha think if stuff like that was going on that there would be lots of folks coming forward regardless of the consequence?

I know I wouldn't be able to keep something like that under my hat.This is by no means to dispute the theory that there isn't any of those things happening,it's just that I would like to know how they are silenced.What keeps them from talking,especially if something strange is going on?And aren't there civilians that have access to some of these facilities,are they bound by silence to ?

Also I realize that there is information floating around about the Top Secret doings,which is all we have to go on concerning these facilities,but where is the proof,where's the pics...I wanna see a shot of an alien.

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by Oleander]

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 08:26 PM
anything u hear about these top secret bases, the peeps that spoke out are either dead (assasinated) or there history for any military kind of job has been erased and as too pics they will be especially monitored and deleted off any site within minutes even seconds.

sorry to say this but anything thats kept top secret will remain top secret!! unless u can create some way they cant find pics and stuff on the net (which is very unlikely) no pics from any bases are gonna get out

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 08:33 PM
One of the biggest things keeping the "truth" from getting out about military secrets (like aliens and such) is the massive amount of disinformation and discrediting that has gone on since Roswell.

Let's suppose that you work at Area 51 and you know for a fact that there is an alien craft in a hangar. Who are you going to tell? Nobody would believe you. You'd be dismissed as a crackpot by the mainstream press. Even if you had photos or video, people in general would think you faked the evidence. At this point, you'd have to have Barbara Walters do a live 20/20 special from inside a military base for the information to get out. Fat chance.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 08:37 PM
another good reason 23rd_Degree every thing is classed as disinformation today even if it REAL theres so many lies going around who can tell if it real or not

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 11:29 AM
You are all forgetting the most probable reason why Top Secret information remains sequestered from the general public: because those personnel who have access to that information, having been carefully screened and trained by the government, understand the gravity of this information as it related to our national security and are loathed to reveal it to anyone who does not possess proper need-to-know.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Very true Pyros....You do not get a Security Clearence unless they feel that you can handle that level of information... and everything is very much on a need to know basis....if information is not needed to preform your job you will not have access to it If you have a very high level clearence then you have been so completly checked out that you understand the need to keep classified material just that....classified.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 08:57 PM
My husband works for the gov. as a retaired marine, yes he has top secret clearance meaning that he can read, retrieved and analized data concerning his type of field, beside having to make sure that I do not bounce any checks (he will loose his secret clearance if he does) the only thing that bothers me is that when I call him on the phone we can not discuss anything concerning the goverment, I can not complain to him or discuss anything that have to do with the war or the president or news or anything because the phones at his work are tap.
thats why I am a member of this site I can vent my frustations.

[Edited on 30-4-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 09:12 PM
i get top secret clearence with my USAF job.
sorry if i tll you guys id have to kill you all

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
My husband works for the gov. as a retaired marine, yes he has top secret clearance meaning that he can read, retrieved and analized data concerning his type of field, beside having to make sure that I do not bounce any checks (he will loose his secret clearance if he does) the only thing that bothers me is that when I call him on the phone we can not discuss anything concerning the goverment, I can not complain to him or discuss anything that have to do with the war or the president or news or anything because the phones at his work are tap.
thats why I am a member of this site I can vent my frustations.

I have a friend who has had TS since before I was born. He now works as a civilian for the army doing, well, stuff. Although they might have a random recording of phone lines and keyword activation it's never been a problem to call him up at work and bitch about what a jackass Bush is and how his policy is anti-american. Or about how there has to be something to crop circles because the lack of FOIA information from the CIA on them. A few times he will abruptly change the subject but that's ok because usually he will change it to interesting things that are declassified. I think your hubby there is being a little paranoid, it doesn't matter if his work phone is tapped it's anti-american to NOT be able to talk about what a moron Bush is. I've said stuff on open DNS lines that I wouldn't repeat in here, yet no repercussions. As long as you're not talking about anything illegal or classified you can say anything you want, if he tells you that you can't than he's lying to you about something, or as I said before he's just unnecessarily paranoid. No you will NOT lose your clearance for bouncing 1 check.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 08:24 AM

A few times he will abruptly change the subject but that's ok because usually he will change it to interesting things that are declassified

Well he has this for 24 years and he does this change of the subject all the time, after 24 years I am just sick of it, sometimes he just tell me ( way until I get home to talk about it) I just say how about now)

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 10:12 AM
Hubby is not being paranoid. Where I work, all phone lines off the base are always monitored. Internet is monitored. Making long distance phone calls to the nearest big city to order parts for your car, motorcycle et cetera is overlooked. Discussing politics will get you a phone call or e-mail asking what time code you charged that time to. Cussing the war will get you a visit from a very nasty fed, who will threaten your livelihood, cause trouble in the town you live in ( "Have you ever seen Mr Smith wearing a dress? Does he hit on little boys? ).

It isn't paranoia if they are really out to get you.

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 11:10 AM
Over here in the UK, the Government managed to keep Secret one of the longest running series of Biological Warfare experiments ever conducted in the West.
From 1953-1964 they sprayed Zinc Cadmium sulphide in public areas during their Large Area Coverage programme, and from 1963-1975, E.coli and Bacillus subtilis was sprayed in massive quantities all over the South Coast of the UK. This was done by Porton Down, the UK CBW Centre.

In 1971 and 1975 the US Army And US Navy joined in spraying us!

During all that time no information regarding these trials was ever published and the UK population was none the wiser until news started to filter out in 1997.

Even the scientists that conducted the experiments were amazed that the secrecy lasted so long, especially as the Soviets were aware of the trials when they were taking place ( As the trials took place , the English Channel became awash with Soviet "Trawlers", the sort with more antennae than fishing nets).

Mind you, there was probably a Defence Advisory Notice given to newspaper editors which prevented publication of the story. ( Also known as "D"notices, a self imposed censorship which prevented publication of military secrets or Government information).

The D Notice Committee, now known as the Defence, Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee, have a web-site (During the Cold War even the existence of the D Notice Committee was a secret!).

zero lift

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 06:14 PM
First we need to define what security clearence(s) are.

Information Assurance is the basic building block , IA. There are many levels to IA, starting at minimal clearance, all the way to clearences that are not allowed to be named or discussed in public
Top Secret clearence is relatively common, held by well over a million government employees; white house staff, congressional staff, military, government defense contractors, etc. Its 2-3 levels above top secret that the really cool stuff comes into play..

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 06:29 PM
Namely, your pension.

If you're a government employee, the working conditions are not that good, the pay is average and promotions are slow. However, the retirement benefits are excellent, compared to private industry. You really do have the old-fashioned defined-benefit, and not the defined-contribution type that industry gives, if anything (meaning we'll give you a gold watch (* may not contain any actual Au) and an information packet, good luck sucka).

And very importantly, that includes your health plan as well. Federal employees might not be even in the Social Security system if it is assumed the whole retirement is managed via the Feds.

Now, if you squeal, you might easily lose EVERYTHING for thirty years. Going from a comfortable retirement to possibly being homeless and without a health plan.

What is your wife going to think? How about your children who are in college?

And for what? So "DarkMonsterRuleZZZZ" on some forum site is going to think you're the shiznit????

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Having a TS clearance does not mean that you can just walk into any goverment vault or access any network and just read anything labled TS or below. If that were true, we would know a lot more TS stuff than we do now. Too many people have TS clearance. If all of them could just randomly access any information, many people would be selling secrets. And not to mention, all of the questions that the public have, would have been answered many years ago through a leak with a TS clearance. TS is still need to know. Many Presidents have gone there entire term and still not been privy to certain TS information.


posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by ash73
Having a TS clearance does not mean that you can just walk into any goverment vault or access any network and just read anything labled TS or below.

This is definately true. I used to work in a government lab that was steeped in academia, but we were very tight lipped when it cam to other groups even on the same base with clearance. Those in the same lab on different projects frequently shared information, as most researchers, even government researchers thrive on this exchange. Take for instance the Manhatten Project, there were many leaks between researchers on the same project that didn't have need to know. The spirit of academia can only be restricted so much, even in top secret research.

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