posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:25 PM
The Liberal USA would take on the full Liberal Agenda.
1. Government support for the weak and irresponsible. Like giving banks 300 billion dollars? Thanks LIBERAL GEORGE BUSH!
3. Avoidance of war at all costs. Yea, cause war is too cool to not have one.
6. Complete regulation of Private Enterprise to the point of controlling a companies right to hire and fire, as well as union support and higher
taxes. Nobody wants higher taxes. The reason the Dems are proposing higher taxes is because our deficit is unsustainable, our debt is out
of control, and NEITHER party is willing to reduce spending.
ETC... This list sucks.
The Conservative USA would take on the full Conservative Agenda.
1. A demand for personal responsibility. A dont work, dont eat policy. Where the only people subsidized are people with handicaps. Like giving
300 billion to the banks? Oh, we covered that already.
2. A curbing of illegal immigration. All those conservative farmers love the idea of expensive labor, I'm sure.
3. Using war as a means to protect the nation and further national interests. Preemptive war is not a conservative value. It's a
neoconservative value, which isn't actually conservative at all.
5. Total free enterprise We had that all throughout the bush years (not due to change in legislation so much as change in SEC enforcement) and
it almost crashed the world economy, cost us 300 billion in bailouts, and helped Barak (dem) Obama get elected.
6. Reduced taxes You can't cut taxes without cutting spending. That's news to a lot of people, apparently.
I'd take the USA over either of those two proposed nations any day.