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Funny, but True

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posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Why is it that most truth movement members will use their real name, but GL's
hide behind their keyboards?

Shouldn't it be the other way around? We are the ones that are supposed to be
"crazy" to believe 9.11 was an inside job. We are the ones that should be afraid
of the government for going against them.

So where are all of the experts that are supposed to debunk us?

To date, nobody has challenged Jones, Harrit, Ryan, etc.

When should e expect the peer reviewed report? Another 7 years later?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Maybe they didnt get any stimulus money and was layd off ..
Muhaha ..

Or just start a tread about chemtrails, you see if they are still there !!

[edit on 26-5-2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Because they are usually the ones degenerating a thread into name-calling, baiting, and outright nastiness.

When you're being nasty and abusive towards people, it's human nature NOT to reveal your identity.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
Why is it that most truth movement members will use their real name, but GL's hide behind their keyboards?

Perhaps they don't appreciate stuff like having their name, address and phone number or any similar information posted in public fora? You think?

Located here

Located here

I'm sure all you guys think its hilarious, posting names and phone numbers and addresses - all in good fun, right? ha ha. Probably a good thing (for you), though, you *don't* have my name or address. I'd tell you once to leave. After that, its trespassing and I would have every right to defend myself from trespassers.

As far as you all using your real names, I have yet to meet anyone who named their child "turbofan". or JohnDoeX. or dMole. or 22201. or Tezzajw. Or spreston. But whatever.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by trebor451As far as you all using your real names, I have yet to meet anyone who named their child "turbofan". or JohnDoeX. or dMole. or 22201. or Tezzajw. Or spreston. But whatever.

Well, if you did an ounce of research for once you would know my real
name, and JohnDoeX's name, etc.

Don't you think revealing my identity is two-fold? It doesn't take much
to look up my address, and phone number. Some of the GL's even
know my city of residence.

No anthrax in my mailbox yet!

More to the point, there are so many of the faceless 'experts' that make
excuses for the FDR data, or thermite traces in the dust right from their
arm chairs. Still no peer reviewed paper to challenge Jones, or live
debate against P4T!

TTYL, "Trebor"

P.S. Did you read the latest about bird strikes and flight data recorders?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
More to the point, there are so many of the faceless 'experts' that make
excuses for the FDR data, or thermite traces in the dust right from their
arm chairs. Still no peer reviewed paper to challenge Jones, or live
debate against P4T!

Pot, meet kettle.

"Faceless experts" making excuses? With the exception of a small handful of CIT and PfT "founders", that is the raison d'etre of your club.

As far as challenging Jones, et al, would you go to any expense, small or otherwise, to refute a non-event? I say "non-event" because that is what your "papers" and "press releases" and what Jones' paper and the others are in reality - non events. They shake nothing, impact nothing, influence nothing, impress nobody of note or consequence, and if they were to be placed on the grand spectrum of Things That Matter, they would appear on the far left hand side, down towards the warm bucket of spit.

If simply one - just one - of your claims amounted to anything other than self-aggrandizement, perhaps you would have something. But you have nothing. I'm sorry, but you don't.

As far as "debating" PfT, you know you would lose horribly on the ground stop issue, the C-130 issue, the departure issue, the FDR issue, the April Gallop issue, the "fly over" issue, the NoC issue, the light poles issue (we've already seen how you continue the hilarious creation of "facts" - good scientific method there, Tino) and every other issue where expertise and common sense come to the fore.

And come to think of it, why DO so many of the Troother supporters remain behind their internet nicknames? They lack the power of their own conviction, must be.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by trebor451
"Faceless experts" making excuses? With the exception of a small handful of CIT and PfT "founders", that is the raison d'etre of your club.

Three things wrong with your quote:

1. This movement goes over and beyond CIT and P4T. You are forgetting
many other professional groups presenting new evidence to this current

2. We don't make excuses. We present data, not theory. We ask
questions that are not answered by your governemnt and their agencies.
You might want to read the thermite paper before you call it an, "excuse"

3. Not many armchairs involved when you see P4T doing seminars,
AE911 going across USA/Europe, Several professionals going on talk-
shows and local media.

They shake nothing, impact nothing, influence nothing, impress nobody of note or consequence, and if they were to be placed on the grand spectrum of Things That Matter, they would appear on the far left hand side, down towards the warm bucket of spit.

Right, but this is why you spend every waking moment debating these

as "debating" PfT, you know you would lose horribly on the ground stop issue, the C-130 issue, the departure issue, the FDR issue, the April Gallop issue, the "fly over" issue, the NoC issue, the light poles issue (we've already seen how you continue the hilarious creation of "facts" - good scientific method there, Tino) and every other issue where expertise and common sense come to the fore.

Is that an offer? Care to step up where so many have dropped the ball
(IE: Mackey) We can setup a live debate (radio/video) and hash this out.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by turbofan]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 06:57 PM
K first I ask what is GL?

and I use my real name. Doesn't mean I want anyone from ATS showing up on my doorstep.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by suzque66]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Why is it that most truth movement members will use their real name, but GL's hide behind their keyboards?

Because members of the "truth movement" have been known to kill members of their own family, attack handicapped girls, deface public property, secretly record conversations and post them on the internet...


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Boone 870 you're saying all 'truthers' are corrupt and none of this
happens in GL land?

I wonder if OJ is a GL?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Boone 870

Because members of the "truth movement" have been known to kill members of their own family, attack handicapped girls, deface public property, secretly record conversations and post them on the internet...


Truthers kill people even their own family and we attack handicapped girls...

How about some links to back up that claim... I mean bold claims require bold proof right?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by turbofan

I have gotten to the point to put some of these trouble makers on “ignore” why waste your valuable time going back and forth when it is clear they have not done any research on the topic at hand and they are NOT going to either, they just want to upset you, crawl under your skin you know the game. What I have seen on ATS, when it come to debunking 911, I have seen more debunkers band than people who apposes the OS. The reason I am “assuming”, is their evil behavior, salivating venom, spewing lies, calling posters nasty names, you can feel their evil intent, it has “energy” it flows right out of our computer screens when reading their post. Why argue with ignorant people once you have presented facts with credible sources and links and they continue to ignore real facts, then they are playing their game just use that nice little tab that says “ignore.”

[edit on 27-5-2009 by impressme]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by impressme

Ha, I guess I'm a sucker for punishment? I'm sitting in front of a computer
most of the day , so this is entertainment from work.

My fav thing is to debate these guys with logic and facts until they're backed
so far into a corner, they start to derail and name call. It normally
doesn't take long before the latter happens in most cases.

I'm thankful for those who are brave enough and have the resources &
expertise to find new evidence every day. Those that come to mind
immediately are CIT, P4T, AE911, STJ911. That latest thermite paper
has the entire GL community scrambling!

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by suzque66
K first I ask what is GL?

and I use my real name. Doesn't mean I want anyone from ATS showing up on my doorstep.


"GL" is a pejorative term used by the Conspiracy Theorists (CTs). It stands for "Government Loyalists". It is supposed to mean anyone who believes that 19 Islamic/al Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 aircraft and caused the deaths and damage of 9/11 is "loyal to the government story" and, as such, a traitor to the...I guess...American people - or some such foolishness.

As far as your not wanting anyone from ATS showing up on your doorstep, you'd best not enter into the fray regarding whether or not a 757 hit the Pentagon. At the first mention of anything that contradicts their strange pre-conceived ideas, your name, address, phone number and any public (and private, should they find it) information and anything else they can find (marriage status, children, schools they attend, etc) will be plastered all over the Internet on their sites at CIT or PfT. They have dedicated threads to "Our Opposition" or "Know Thy Enemy", again all dedicated to publishing any and all information on those individuals who deign to oppose their creations.

Hope this helps!

[edit on 28-5-2009 by trebor451]

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 08:37 AM

As far as you all using your real names, I have yet to meet anyone who named their child "turbofan". or JohnDoeX. or dMole. or 22201. or Tezzajw. Or spreston. But whatever.

So, so true!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by trebor451

Ah, no I meant members not law inforcement lol. Besides, no, I have nothing online that would refer me back to my real life. As I said in another thread, even my facebook crap is in a fictional name, because I don't take it seriously. Unless my kids were to give me specific authority to give their names anywhere, I'd never do so. I haven't asked them for that permission, so I'd never consider it. They have the right to privacy, even from me.

If by some miracle that did occur that someone found info on my me or them (why anyone would want to is psychotic behaviour anyways), ooo somebody gonna get a hurtin' lol.

[edit on 29-5-2009 by suzque66]

[edit on 29-5-2009 by suzque66]

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