posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:06 PM
100 monkey syndrome, I think it's called, based on a scientific myth, about a 100th monkey who learns to do something in a certain way, like wash
potatoes or some such thing, and then, suddenly, monkeys of the same species everywhere, are also doing it, though they had no direct means of
Ruppert Sheldrake(Google) has a theory about it he calls morphic resonance. It's a fact that certain crystal formation which is very hard to achieve,
once done, is easier everywhere else.
This would suggest that evolution is a non-localized phenomenon, which leads to a conception of platonic forms operating as a catalyst for
evolutionary growth or what might be called a "formative causation".
We are also into something Pierre Teilhard de Chardin referred to as the "noosphere", which is an globalized instantaneous medium of information
exchange enveloping the earth.
I noticed that when I started making posts in this forum about the holophraphic universe, non-locality and God, that there followed an eruption of
threads about variations of the same theme.
People are seeking hard, and what we seek, we find. It's all available, just awaiting discovery, or re-discovery, since there's very little that's
new under the sun.
[edit on 25-5-2009 by OmegaPoint]