posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:25 PM
The X-Conference did promise to release so many documents it would make the president look bad, but that is yet to be seen. The last president who
postulated releasing UFO/Alien evidence was murdered in Dallas, and from what I have gathered, Kennedy was the last president who was briefed on the
alien threat. I think even if Obama wanted to tell us, his handlers, the men behind the seat of power, would not let him, and would in fact kill him
if he tried. The president is not the leader, he is a figurehead whom we all see, we cannot see the real leaders, for they are hidden from our sight.
I too want to know, I want to know everything about it. If the government refuses to tell us, then I want the aliens to just land and tell us
themselves. this thing has been secreted and hidden for a very long time now, and many people are in the know about it. Millions of documents, photos,
and videos exist, not to mention the eye witness testimony. Bring it on!