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Test your perceptions Aluminum vs. Iron

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posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Test your perceptions Aluminum vs. Iron

Don't tell me 911 will ever go away. Time to wake up everybody! Drink a cup of coffee or two if you have to! This isn't kidding around time here. You've been spoon-fed a story - and - to use an expression of a past popular Prez - "Trust but Verify."

That past Prez. would be Reagan. So start verifying what you've been spoon-fed - take a few minutes - ask yourself - Have I been given information that is consistent with my own observations? Just look and listen - figure it out later. Oh - you don't know anything about Thermite? Let's begin with the "it's only aluminum" cover story and continue from there.

Please watch the videos below. One of the videos below shows orange-yellow dripping metal at the corner of one of the trade center towers from 911. There was a theory that the stuff dripping out the corner of the WTC tower shown in one of the videos was molten aluminum, but alas, molten aluminum ...well watch the first video for that. Then - please watch the second and third - apply common sense - what makes sense to you?

If this does not wake you up then nothing will. This is the Thermite, that Professor Steven Jones was talking about in his report. Please watch all the videos on this link it will help educated you in how Thermite worked and an understanding of molten aluminum. I couldn’t figure what I was looking at when I saw molten metal running down the side of the WTC before it exploded, now I know and science has proved it and the original video of the WTC burning on 911 proves it as well. I do not understand why no one is forcing the government hand to do a real investigation on the WTC. I find it very arrogant of our government to ignore this evidence and to silence the media. Thank God, for the internet or we all would be ignorant and uninformed.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:00 AM
S+F Continue the fight, truth will prevail. Don't let any ignorant goof on this forum tell you otherwise.


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